Updated, January 26th 2017:
Hi everyone! We're going to have to shift how we do our weekly meditations now that the new Google+ is harder to avoid. It's not possible to make events with hangout links as we're used to doing.
For tomorrow's meditation - Friday 27th at 11am EST/4pm UK - we'll meet on Skype. Connect with user thebuddhistcentre.com then message us and we'll add you to the call. We'll work towards something more permanent as soon as possible!
See you for some beautiful space looking at the insight aspects of contemplating the way things are!
Greetings everyone! Hope you're having a splendid festive season, wherever you are and however you are choosing to mark it. A quick note about online meditations for the start of 2017...
Tuesdays January 3/10/17/24/31 - Facilitated open sits in good company. 2.30pm EST / 7.30pm UK
Fridays January 6/13/20/27 - A 4-week series on the lakshanas facilitated by Candradasa. 11am EST / 4pm UK.
Connect with us on Google + to join the meditation Hangout: Follow us on Google +
You can find connect with us on Insight Timer - search for the group 'The Buddhist Centre Online Meditators Group'.