Triratna News
Triratna News

Dhammacharini Ojonanda

By Munisha on Wed, 21 Jan, 2015 - 16:38

Dhammacharini Ojonanda

By Munisha on Wed, 21 Jan, 2015 - 16:38With sadness we report the death of Dhammacharini Ojonanda on Thursday 15th January, of a heart attack. She was 71 years old.

She was ordained on 2nd January, 2000; Dhammacharini Srimala was her private and public preceptor. Her yidam was Shakyamuni.

Karmavajra writes: “She was very kind and polite, contributing to the Order since meeting it 30 years ago. She was a much respected Order member in our Thane Centre, and worked to create harmony among Order members...
Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Medical Work in India as Dhamma Practice

By Rijupatha on Wed, 21 Jan, 2015 - 14:51
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As part of a series on Right Livelihood, today’s FBA Dharmabyte entitled “Medical Work in India as Dhamma Practice” features Karunaprabha, an Indian Order Member, who tells the story of how her medical work in the slums of Pune led to her becoming a Buddhist.
Triratna News
Triratna News

Ordinations at Bhaja, India

By Munisha on Thu, 8 Jan, 2015 - 19:58

Ordinations at Bhaja, India

By Munisha on Thu, 8 Jan, 2015 - 19:58The following 17 women were ordained at Bhaja Retreat Centre, India, on 4th January 2015.

This is the largest number of women to enter the Triratna Buddhist Order in India at any one time, including the first ordinations of women from the state of Gujarat.

Private preceptor Jnanasuri
Public Preceptor Karunamaya

Shital Wankhede from Thane becomes Utpala - Blue Lotus.
Savita Kosambi from Ahmedabad (Gujarat) becomes Yashonanda - She who delights in success, glory and splendour.
Triratna News
Triratna News

Young Buddhists go offline for bigfuturebuddhanow

By Munisha on Tue, 23 Dec, 2014 - 14:10

Young Buddhists go offline for bigfuturebuddhanow

By Munisha on Tue, 23 Dec, 2014 - 14:10Triratna Young Buddhists go from strength to strength with over 20 groups worldwide, as well as India’s National Network of Buddhist Youth. Next year sees the start of events for those “Sub25”. European Triratna’s seventh annual Young Buddhist retreat – over six times the size of the first – took place in November, entitled “bigfuturebuddhanow”.

Watch Dharmashalin’s keynote talk, “Less of me; more of we” (54 minutes).

Andrea Campbell, from Norwich, UK, writes:...
People to People, Nagpur, India.
People to People, Nagpur, India.

Rally while Campaign on Violence against women at Nagpur

By tejadhamma on Thu, 18 Dec, 2014 - 05:49

Rally while Campaign on Violence against women at Nagpur

By tejadhamma on Thu, 18 Dec, 2014 - 05:49We have organized a rally while our campaign on Violence against Women to the minstry in assembly at Nagpur. On this ocassion we submitted the memorandum to the ministry.
This event was organized in collaboration of People to People, Samata Mahila Foundation, Prabodhini and Sambuddha Mahila Sangathan at Nagpur. We all became a part of Maitri Network for this campaign !
India Dhamma Trust:
India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution"

Support not one, but two forces for goodness in the world!

By vajratara on Thu, 11 Dec, 2014 - 22:35

Support not one, but two forces for goodness in the world!

By vajratara on Thu, 11 Dec, 2014 - 22:35Great news! Shraddhavajri and Vidyadharini from India are coming to Adhisthana in February to attend the women’s five month study course. This is especially significant, not just because they are coming from India, but because they are coming specifically to deepen their understanding of the Dharma and their experience of the international Sangha in order to devote their lives more effectively spread the Dhamma. They have chosen not to get married, which is a very radical step for a woman...
Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

#EthicalChristmas - How Caste Oppresses Women

By Dayamudra on Sun, 30 Nov, 2014 - 14:56

#EthicalChristmas - How Caste Oppresses Women

By Dayamudra on Sun, 30 Nov, 2014 - 14:56“I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved.” - Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar

Dalit girls and women, those from the lower caste communities, traditionally called “untouchable”, are the most vulnerable of all people in India. These are our students, fellow teachers and our friends at Jai Bhim International, inspired by the social activist and Chief Architect of the Indian constitution, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar. Females in this...
Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

#EthicalChristmas: Jai Bhim International - A Fire And A Tsunami

By Dayamudra on Sat, 29 Nov, 2014 - 14:26

#EthicalChristmas: Jai Bhim International - A Fire And A Tsunami

By Dayamudra on Sat, 29 Nov, 2014 - 14:2610 years ago on Christmas day my house burned down, while I was on a Buddhist meditation retreat in the Santa Cruz mountains. Across the world, the same week, a tsunami destroyed villages on the coast of Chennai, southeast India, leaving whole communities homeless, jobless, displaced. Back in San Francisco, lying on Amy and Megan’s couch, feeling sorry for myself on New Year’s eve, faces of newly-orphaned children flickered across a tiny screen. That night I felt grateful for warm...
Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

#EthicalChristmas: Jai Bhim International - Give Them Shelter!

By Centre Team on Wed, 26 Nov, 2014 - 19:46

#EthicalChristmas: Jai Bhim International - Give Them Shelter!

By Centre Team on Wed, 26 Nov, 2014 - 19:46We’re delighted to welcome as partners in our #ethicalchristmas campaign the wonderful team at Jai Bhim International.

Although they won’t sell you something for Christmas, they’ll certainly do something amazing with your money when you give someone you love the gift of supporting Jai Bhim’s inspiring new Give Them Shelter appeal to build a dormitory for girl students in India.

Support Give Them Shelter

Jai Bhim International is a...
Triratna Bauddha Mahasangha, Nagpur (North)
Triratna Bauddha Mahasangha, Nagpur (North)

Khemadhamma's Visit and Talk

By tejadhamma on Fri, 21 Nov, 2014 - 13:46

Khemadhamma's Visit and Talk

By tejadhamma on Fri, 21 Nov, 2014 - 13:46
TBM Mahendranagar, Nagpur is glad to inform you all that Dhammachari Khemadhamma from Australia visited to the center and given Dhamma Talk in the regular class on Thursday 20th Nov. which was very impresive and inspiring to the participants. About 225-250 male and female benefited on this ocassion. Dr. David who came with Khemadhamma also presented his experiences and dhammamitra’s...
