Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Letter From India by Viradhamma (No.1)

By viradhamma on Tue, 25 Feb, 2014 - 14:10

Letter From India by Viradhamma (No.1)

By viradhamma on Tue, 25 Feb, 2014 - 14:10The first in an occasional series of letters from India by Viradhamma from San Francisco in the U.S., on his travels through India working for DharmaJiva as part of their Buddhist Renaissance project. DharmaJiva is a non-sectarian Buddhist network that works against caste oppression and includes both Western and Asian Buddhist traditions.


Dear Friends,

I am here in India on three-week trip, and I spent the first ten days in...
Karuna Fundraisers
Karuna Fundraisers

Can you help Karuna? Are you looking for a reliable tenant for your property in London?

By Andrea@Karuna on Wed, 12 Feb, 2014 - 12:42

Can you help Karuna? Are you looking for a reliable tenant for your property in London?

By Andrea@Karuna on Wed, 12 Feb, 2014 - 12:42We are looking for a 4-5 bedroom house for rent in London to house Karuna door-to-door appeals from March to July 2014.

Ideally the house would be based in west or south-west London but we are willing to rent anywhere in London too.

Karuna has been making a huge difference to the lives of India’s Dalit communities for over 30 years. This has been made possible because we run door-to-door fundraising appeals throughout the...
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

To The Hills

By Candradasa on Fri, 31 Jan, 2014 - 14:07

To The Hills

By Candradasa on Fri, 31 Jan, 2014 - 14:07A rather wonderful, beautifully shot film from Shantiketu of the Glasgow Buddhist Centre, detailing a trip some members of the Triratna Buddhist Order made in 2013 to visit places in north east India associated with their teacher Urgyen Sangharakshita, and some of his own main teachers.

Watch another film about pilgrimage to the hermitages and monasteries of Kalimpong, Darjeeling and Sikkim. (From Lights In The Sky.)
People to People, Nagpur, India.
People to People, Nagpur, India.

Video Clip "Learning to make Greeting Cards" in Street Children Project

By tejadhamma on Mon, 20 Jan, 2014 - 12:33

Video Clip "Learning to make Greeting Cards" in Street Children Project

By tejadhamma on Mon, 20 Jan, 2014 - 12:33Our project’s beneficiaries are happy to learn to make greeting cards at the Ganganagar, Nagpur ! This project is run by PTP for the children of wanderer community known as Vadaar. These are migrated and now they are ready to get education to their children. PTP is playing a very special role to bring them in the main stream of the society.
for more details, contact : pple2pple [at] gmail.com or tejadhamma [at] gmail.com
People to People, Nagpur, India.
People to People, Nagpur, India.

" Learning to make Greeting Cards" in Street Children Project

By tejadhamma on Mon, 20 Jan, 2014 - 09:09

" Learning to make Greeting Cards" in Street Children Project

By tejadhamma on Mon, 20 Jan, 2014 - 09:09
“Study Home”  for Street Children, experienced happiness & excitement among children while “Learning to make Greeting Cards” event run in the project for the children at Ganganagar, Nagpur. This event increased confidence among children that they are also able to be like other children in the society.
This project is perticularly for the most disadvantaged and poor wanderer...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Triratna hosts first residential retreat in Odisha, India

By lokabandhu on Thu, 2 Jan, 2014 - 05:48

Triratna hosts first residential retreat in Odisha, India

By lokabandhu on Thu, 2 Jan, 2014 - 05:48The Indian state of Odisha is located in the remote north-east of the country, many miles beyond the usual Westerners’ ‘tourist trail’ and in many ways cut off from the rest of India. However young men and women from Odisha have for some years now been making the long journey south to study Buddhism and social work at the Nagarjuna Training Institute (NTI), Triratna’s training campus in Nagpur, and the first graduates have now begun returning home to begin...
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Volunteer Bookkeeper sought for India Fundraising charity

By lokabandhu on Wed, 18 Dec, 2013 - 19:45

Volunteer Bookkeeper sought for India Fundraising charity

By lokabandhu on Wed, 18 Dec, 2013 - 19:45Dhammaloka is a UK-based Triratna charity that raises funds for Dhamma projects in India. Over the past five years it has raised a total of over UK £100,000 for a multitude of different projects, including the resident community on Triratna’s land at Bodh Gaya. Now it is seeking a bookkeeper to administer the JustGiving account and to work with the Trustees to arrange transfers of money to India when needed. This is a voluntary role but...
Karuna Fundraisers
Karuna Fundraisers

Come get some Karuna Sangha in 2014

By Andrea@Karuna on Tue, 17 Dec, 2013 - 13:02

Come get some Karuna Sangha in 2014

By Andrea@Karuna on Tue, 17 Dec, 2013 - 13:02Raising money for Karuna is a great way to create Sangha. Check out this fab video made by Clear Vision

Sanghanath, Karuna Appeals leader says “I have benefitted from Karuna’s projects as a child. I have changed and I see people in India changing thanks to Karuna’s work. We are building dignity, self-respect and challenging the caste system.
Karuna appeals and the fundraising training are about being real, authentic and letting go of the stories we...
Lights In The Sky - living dharma
Lights In The Sky - living dharma

Reaching India, for instance

By Suryaprabha on Fri, 29 Nov, 2013 - 23:08

Reaching India, for instance

By Suryaprabha on Fri, 29 Nov, 2013 - 23:08A FRIEND in Lucknow, India, Rajesh Chandra https://www.facebook.com/rajesh.chandra.106 has asked an interesting question:
What is the response of your four volume Buddhist documentary films which I translated in Hindi?
I’m afraid I have yet to find a means to reach Hindi speakers or readers. The films, the History of the FWBO series, covering the early years 1964 to 1979, have been available in DVD with several languages built in, have been for several years. That includes Hindi for...
Triratna News
Triratna News

New Year for students at Nagaloka in India

By lokabandhu on Mon, 12 Aug, 2013 - 06:09

New Year for students at Nagaloka in India

By lokabandhu on Mon, 12 Aug, 2013 - 06:09Vivekaratna writes from India with news of the start of their new year at Nagaloka, Triratna’s large training centre in Nagpur, central India. Every year they accept a ‘batch’ of young men and women from all over India for a year’s intensive ‘DhammaSekhiya’ training in Social Work and Dhamma - after which they are eligible to join Nagaloka’s national alumni association which works to support them as they return home to work in their local areas. He says -

