People to People, Nagpur, India.
People to People, Nagpur, India.
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14 Anniversary of People to People

Dear Friends,

Today 24 Dec. - Anniversary of People to People Society Nagpur , we are Celebrating another year of impact. During those years People to People contributed in various areas to the poor in need. Here are some photos attached to get little idea of projects and contribution.

Thanks to all friends and the donors of People to People Society Nagpur !

Sadhu for you all to help us to help others !

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Dear friends,

We are happy to be arranging our Third Transgender Retreat soon with the help of some fundraising!

In 2021 Shuan Bartone became a Mitra through the Boston Sangha and Triratna Gender Diverse Buddhists. A year later, He started working on a project to record a song about Dr. Ambedkar, called ‘Babasaheb’, which is released on BandCamp. 

The whole purpose of this song, and this project, is to raise money for the People to People project in Maharashtra, India, specifically for the work with Transgender people. 

We have already organized two retreats successfully for transgenders earlier and they benefited a lot by learning mindfulness practices & lovingkindness meditation system including five precepts. They requested us to keep continuity of such retreat to help more transgenders to their spiritual and moral development.

In social situation the Transgenders are neglected and treated badly. This project helps them to develop inner self-confidence and friendliness in day-to-day behaviours. While most continue to live by begging, we are helping them to learn new skills to improve their access to higher education and obtain paid work to improve their lives.

All proceeds from the sale of this song go directly to People to People project in Maharashtra, India. Donations are managed by Dhammaloka, a charity run by Lokabandhu on behalf of People to People.

Please donate, here is the link:

Note: BandCamp normally takes 15% fee for each sale, but on BandCamp Fridays, they forgo the fee and 100% of the donation goes to the charity of our choice, Dhammaloka/People to People in Nagpur. I will notify people in advance of the next BandCamp Friday so 100% of your donation goes to Dhammaloka/People to People in Nagpur.

We would notify people in advance of the next BandCamp Friday so 100% of your donation goes to Dhammaloka/People to People in Nagpur.

The next Bandcamp Friday is August 4th. Bandcamp Fridays will continue on September 1st, October 6th, November 3rd, and December 1st. As always, has the details

On these dates, 100% of your donation goes to Dhammaloka/People to People in Nagpur.

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We are happy to see the Sheffield Buddhist Sangha at People to People's Transgender Project. The welcome ceremony was led by Tejadhamma, who offered the Garland and Scarf of Panchasheel by the auspicious hands of a very senior Indian order member Chandrasheel.

There was good interaction and discussion between our transgender sangha and SBC pilgrims. In the welcome program, some of the transgender community shared their life story. They also presented their dance as a welcome to all pilgrims. Thank you to Tejadhamma, Manidhamma and Maitridasa for this evening.

For more details :

Whatsapp : +91 8459401059

Email : ,

Web : 

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Dance presented by Mohini

A transgender participant from Nagpur, Mohini, presented dance in the retreat. In fact, all the participants from our transgender community presented their skills in this retreat.

To watch more about our activities and events, click here :

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It is seen in India, in the society, the members of the transgender community experience daily 'neglection' and are 'avoided' by the people on road when they ask for help. People respond badly. They feel deep down pain and sadness.

So we teach communication exercises to help to cultivate patience and sensitivity in a friendly and playful way with the people. As part of our Second Retreat for the Transgender Community, all the participants enjoyed this communication session. This session was led by Anomsur with the other order members.

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News in English and Hindi by Local Channel

After our Second Transgender's retreat, some glimpse are presented in the news by local channel. 

For more details :

WhatsApp +91 84594 01059

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We have successfully organised a second retreat for transgender community at the bottom of Chikhaldara Hill Station, Bihali, Amravati. The total 30 participants enjoyed this retreat held from 5 to 8 August 2022. The retreat was organized by the hard work of Tejadhamma, Suchikirti, Aryasiddhi, Anushri and Sarika. Dhammachari Amoghasiddhi led the retreat very effectively with the help of Ratnasiddhi and Anomsur.

Our transgender community members enjoyed the meditation, group discussions, group activities, creativity sessions, walking meditation, dances and life sharing activity. This retreat was with full of energy and inspiration! 

Thank you to Khemadhamma. Khemavajira, Roland and the Sangha brothers and sisters, India's donors who supported and helped to this retreat.

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News in local language

Local newspaper NAVARASHTRA's news about the retreat of transgender.

Event :

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Second Transgender Retreat

We are pleased to share that People to People organized second retreat for Transgender people at Achalbhumi Dhamma Training Center, Bihali, Chikhaldara (Hill Station in Maharashtra). This retreat will be lead by Dhammachari Amoghasiddhi. 

In this retreat, a few groups of transgenderpeoples are joining from Nagpur.

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Report 2021-2022

We are happy to share the report 2021-2022. People to People contributed effectively to the beneficiaries. We helped 61,343 beneficiaries by running such programmes as below:

  • People's Kitchen - Free cooked food distribution to poor families in rural and urban slums.
  • Free Ambulance Service - This service was provided in the Kamptee slums to take poor patients to hospitals from their home. We were able to save 19 lives out of 22 patients supported.
  • Financial Assistance - In the slums of Kamptee, elderly poor residents, single parents, and patients with low life expectation, had no financial support to purchase medicine, pay educational fees, access food, water, electricity, and so on. People to People helped with grants totalling INR 80,300.
  • Free Educational Material Distribution to poor students - During the pandemic and lockdown, daily wagers lost earning resources and were unable to purchase educational materials for their children. People to People provided 10,000 notebooks to poor students as educational support.
  • Free Grocery Kit Distribution - In 14 slums in Kamptee, poor families were provided with free grocery kits to help them avoid going hungry.
  • Bridge Project (Learning Club) - 144 poor students received an opportunity to continue their education after the Corona Crisis through this project.
  • Beginners' Meditation Retreat for Transgender People in India - This retreat helped transgender people engage with strategies for emotional and psychological wellbeing through meditation. 

Above is a summary of the contents of the report. 

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The Impact of Our First Transgender Retreat

We were very pleased to organise a Meditation Introduction Retreat for Transgender People at Bordharan. Participants said the retreat had a very positive impact, and they want to join in with another retreat in future.

Shanaya, who is the leader of this group asked us to organise such a retreat again.

We are very much thankful to the donors for making this retreat possible to happen.

Thank you!

Contact : , Mobile : +91 84594 01059 

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Dhamma Reaching Further: Transgender Retreat

Transgender Meditation Retreat held successfully

On this retreat our 15 participants learned:

  • Body Awareness
  • Mindfulness of Breathing
  • Walking Meditation
  • Expression of thoughts
  • Expression of hidden qualities
  • Discussion instead of aurguments
  • The Importance of Time Discipline
  • Five positive precepts
  • The Importance of Dr. Ambedkar.

People to People Society Nagpur organised Meditation Retreat at Hsuen Tsang Retreat Center Bordharan. This is First Retreat in India (historical event) organized for Transgender who are benefitted by this retreat and highly appreciated and requested to organize the same in future.

All the participants were happy and want to join a retreat again. The Shanaya (a leader, also called Guruma) requested that we organize a retreat or workshop again so that their group members can benefit more in future. They enjoyed the group discussion, some of them were very focused on meditation practice, and they presented their dances in cultural activity on last day.

People to People managed getting to the retreat and home again, and covered retreat fees for all participants. This retreat was free as an introduction to Meditation. Triratna's message is, "Triratna is open to all".

We would like to express our special thanks to Khemadhamma, Viryasiddhi, Jonathan, Mellisa, Chittaprabha , Rob and Roland and all the donors for their generosity, due to this, we could organize the retreat. Sadhu for all.

Please feel free to contact : or

WhatsApp (+91) 84594 01059, Facebook , Youtube , News

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Initiated by People to People

People to People, Nagpur is working with transgenders since Covid-19 Relief Work have been started. We have helped them with Food, Grocery kits and the Electric Bills when they had nothing to cope up with any expenses in Corona Second Wave and Lock down crisis.
The group leader of 16 transgender, Shanaya and her group are going to be introduce with Meditation at Huen Tsang Retreat Center, Bordharan. This retreat is in Aug. 10 to 13 lead by Kumarjiv and Tejadhamma.

Our contact :

WhatsApp : (+91) 84594 01059 website news facebook videos

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Though the second wave of Covid-19 and lockdown have been abating, we are still working on relief work in slums of Kamptee, Nagpur, India.

Here, daily wagers are still finding it difficult to get jobs, and earnings to manage their everyday lives. It is difficult for them to cope with the expenses for children’s online classes/school, food, and other necessary things. People are in need of help.

Here is a film shot in a slum called Alamnagar, Kamptee. We are working in 24 slums to help at least 500 families with the help of The Karuna Trust.

Thank you so much to the Karuna team!

Get in touch: Whats App: (+91) 84594 01059Website |  Videos |  Latest News |  Facebook

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In high pick of Corona & Lockdown, we distributed cooked food each day to 700-800 people in Nagpur. People suffered a lot due to Lockdown. They lost jobs, family suffered for food. Because of our donors generosity, we enabled to help from last 60 days to about 45000 - 48000 vulnerables. 

To donate us :

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Thank you from Transgender Shanaya

It was immense happiness to get help from People to People organization to the vulnerable transgender who lost their daily earnings in Corona crisis and Lockdown in Nagpur. Transgender Shanaya is leadng a group of 16 transgender who suffered a lot in lockdown. They had no food, no money for monthly payment of Electric Bill or House Rent. People to People organization helped them through Electric bill payment and Grocery Kits; they felt relieved in the month of May when tempreture is very high in Nagpur like more than 40 degree.

In this video , Shanaya is talking in Hindi who expressed thanks to People to People and learnt 5 precepts (Negative and Positive) from Tejadhamma. We visited at Shanaya's house and talked. 

Now lockdown is lifting up but still people are not on rutine , they need helping hand. If you would like to be a helping hand, please feel free to click to donate :

Contact us for any help :

WhatsApp : +91 84594 01059 , Youtube, Facebook, Website

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People to People Team is reaching to vulnerable about 700-800 each day after cooking food in our "PEOPLE'S KITCHEN" at Nagpur. We have started our kitchen from 27 April 2021 and still its continued. Corona and Lockdown have been broken the rutine income sources of daily wagers but our Kitchen helped families to save from Hunger. Today is 56th day for feeding people. Though now lockdown have particially released but still rutine will take much time.

We are very much thankful to our donor's to "help us to help others". lf you are happy to donate, please click to help others who need :

Contact us on :

WhatsApp : +91 84594 01059, Youtube , Facebook , Website ,

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Out reach to help poor

We are reaching in lockdown to poor who has no access of earning, our out reaching is helping them to get food at least so they survive in this Covid Crisis at Nagpur. Our voulenteers are fully dedicated to help who need.

We are very much thankful to our donors, because of their practice of generosity; this is possible. Many need help, your donation is used in best way. Please visit our link to donate.

Your donation enable us to help many who has less in this second wave of Corona and Lockdown. Visit our webpage for news to know more news :

Our facebook page :

Youtube link to updated information :

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Transgender Community Helped in Lockdown

In Nagpur, People to People is working for various people who are suffering in Second Wave of Corona and Lockdown. In this lockdown, many people lost their daily earnings, that affect badly on their life. There is no food as earning stopped on daily basis. 

Our "cooked food distribution" team is helping many and they helped to transgender community also who genuinly need food.

To know more about our work :

To know more news :

Facebook :

Youtube :

Please donate us to reach out many who have less :

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Reaching more people in Second Wave to help

We are helping the vulnerabel who don't have jobs, no earnings and no food. In Nagpur we are reaching out with cooked food for those who haven't food, giving masks to those who havn't masks and providing medicine to those are unable to purchase. We are very much thankful to our donors, because of this is possible. Please visit our link to donate

Your donation enable us to help many more in this second wave of Corona and Lockdown. Visit our webpage to know more news :

Our facebook page :

Youtube link to updated information :

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