Young Buddhists go offline for bigfuturebuddhanow
Triratna Young Buddhists go from strength to strength with over 20 groups worldwide, as well as India's National Network of Buddhist Youth. Next year sees the start of events for those “Sub25”. European Triratna's seventh annual Young Buddhist retreat – over six times the size of the first – took place in November, entitled "bigfuturebuddhanow".

Watch Dharmashalin's keynote talk, “Less of me; more of we” (54 minutes).

Andrea Campbell, from Norwich, UK, writes: "On the second weekend in November, Facebook experienced a two-day Young Buddhist blackout as 130 of us turned off our phones and went on retreat at Adhisthana.

Over the weekend Order members who had been ordained for years, some with a decade in the Order yet still under 40 in age, led meditation and puja and gave talks. The newly ordained delivered talks about their practice and entering the Order. Those training for ordination shared updates, stresses, excitements. New mitras attending for the first time tasted the buzz and grace of Adhisthana. Those who'd never been on retreat expressed surprise and joy at this community they’d discovered. One newcomer said, 'This must be a healthy community, for people to express themselves so openly. It’s not pushing an ideal of love; there’s an encouragement to be honest about where you actually are.'

Dharmashalin’s keynote talk, 'Less of me; more of we' explored how we get caught up in dreaming of our personal big futures, craving fulfilment through fame, love and money. He asked us to reflect on how we can break through the unhappiness caused by this pride or arrogance. By coming into connection with others, rejoicing in merits, calling on Ratnasambhava’s wisdom of sameness, we can get to a point where distinction is dim, and "it’s not me, but we".

After 3pm on Sunday, we switched on our phones and uploaded photos, videos, comments and elations. We'd come together with other young adults also seeking Enlightenment, with entwined personal relationships and real selves that we’re working with, and then we parted and opened up to the world again."

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Under 25? Email to be added to the Sub25 mailing list.">Listen to Dharmashalin's talk (54 mins).

European Triratna Young Buddhists' calendar 2015 at a glance
16-18 January: Young Order members' retreat, Adhisthana, UK
21-22 February: Transforming Work: Exploring Right Livelihood , Cambridge Buddhist Centre, UK
9-16 March: Young men's retreat, Padmaloka, UK
27-29 March: Young facilitators’ gathering, Adhisthana
16-19 April: Young Buddhist retreat, Metta Vihara, The Netherlands
1-4 May: Young women's weekend, Taraloka, UK
24-26 July: German young Buddhist retreat, Vimaladhatu, Germany
4-7 September: Long weekend for young women who have asked for ordination, Tiratanaloka, UK
16-18 Oct: The Big One - 8th Annual Triratna young Buddhist retreat, Adhisthana
11-13 December: Young men's retreat, Padmaloka