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Series of Ten Talk given by Dh Chandrabodhi on Pratitya Samudpada in Men’s GFR Retreat during 11st to 21st May 17 at Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center. Link of just First is given here other talks follows on
Men’s GFR Retreat led by Dh. Chandrabodhi on Condition Co-production from 11th to 21st May 2017. Attended by 40 mitra who has ask for ordination from Pune, Mumbai, Wardha, Kanpur, Agra and many other places
By Rijupatha on Wed, 19 Jun, 2013 - 19:15In this issue:
* Embracing Myth & Imagination: A recovering Catholic learns to trust intuition, imagination, and Buddhas in all colors * Aryaloka Council December meeting and Year in Review * Sangha updates from Aryaloka, Nagaloka, Portsmouth, and Vancouver * Movie Review: Children of the Pyre * Buddhism and the Environmental Movement: How two efforts - inner and outer - to benefit all beings could benefit each other * Three perspectives on the first Pan-American Womens’ GFR...
By lokabandhu on Tue, 2 Apr, 2013 - 13:39Sanghanistha writes from Padmaloka, Triratna’s retreat centre in Norfolk and home of the European men’s ordination training process. They’re planning a one-year intensive - a course of retreats and other events open to men who’ve asked for ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order. He says -
“The course starts at Padmaloka with our Going for Refuge retreat at the beginning of July. After that we pack up our rucksacks and travel down to Devon to be part...
By lokabandhu on Fri, 21 Dec, 2012 - 06:35Dharmashalin writes from Padmaloka, Triratna’s long-established retreat centre in Norfolk UK with some unexpected news: the Mitras have taken over! He elaborates:
“At the beginning of December, during a gap in Padmaloka’s busy schedule, we had an event here that may be the first of its kind: a group of GfR Mitras hosting a retreat at Padmaloka! The four mitras concerned have been living at Padmaloka this year, doing the 2012 Triratna One Year Intensive. They...