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Tag: Fundraising Appeals

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Sponsor a 24-hour Pujathon

By Centre Team on Mon, 30 Sep, 2024 - 09:30

Sponsor a 24-hour Pujathon

By Centre Team on Mon, 30 Sep, 2024 - 09:30

Suvarnadhi is undertaking a 24-hour pujathon on October 12 & 13 to help raise funds towards the completion of the new Auckland Buddhist Centre. The centre was purchased a year ago and needs a bit of work - we’ve been wearing puffer jackets and hats inside all winter. We already have 85% of the funds we need to get renovations underway in November, but need wider help with the last 15%. You can increase Suvarnadhi’s motivation to stay awake...

Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

The ’ideal fundraiser’!

By Prajnaketu on Fri, 24 Aug, 2018 - 10:25

The ’ideal fundraiser’!

By Prajnaketu on Fri, 24 Aug, 2018 - 10:25

Prajnaketu talks to Mike and Kusaladevi about their experiences of leading a Karuna appeal, the support they give to participants, and what the ‘ideal fundraiser’ looks like. Also there’s some info on how to apply to do an appeal and what to expect. Check out www.appeals.karuna.org for more!

Triratna News
Triratna News

Rocket Fuel for the Dharma Life: Doing a Karuna Appeal

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 22 Aug, 2018 - 17:20

Rocket Fuel for the Dharma Life: Doing a Karuna Appeal

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 22 Aug, 2018 - 17:20

Prajnaketu, Triratna’s Young Buddhist Co-ordinator, is on his first Karuna Appeal! He’s been sharing how it’s been going on the Young Buddhist blog

A Karuna appeal is an opportunity to practise generosity and live in a Buddhist community while also raising money to help support and empower India’s Dalit community.

Prajnaketu has been sharing his experiences during the appeal: knocking on that first door to help raise money for projects in India, getting his first Standing Order, and...
