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Shubhavyuha and Sudaya, from Triratna’s Sydney and Melbourne Buddhist Centres, talk to Munisha about why they’ve travelled all the way to Adhisthana for a gathering of Triratna’s European Chairs, and what they’ve got from it.
This morning Triratna’s European Chairs held their business meeting, in which the main item was the allocation of their Development Fund for 2016. (See the photo-summary of these grants.)
The ECA’s Development Fund generally totals around £100,000 per year, donated by Triratna Centres and enterprises all over Europe, as well as by some Centres further afield. This year they’ve given £116,000 and, thanks to Amalavajra’s fundraising, there’s an additional £20,000 - and there could be another £30,000 too. So, two budgets...
The sun is shining on Adhisthana and we’ve been considering the future of fundraising in Triratna: creating a stronger culture of giving worldwide, so that all the core institutions, services and people on which Triratna’s life depends worldwide (for example, the College of Public Preceptors - responsible for ordinations - Clear Vision, Free Buddhist Audio and Windhorse Publications) are better resourced.
Afternoons are a mix of free time, special interest groups and business. Amongst many other things this afternoon saw a gathering of the...
Today the European Chairs continued their exploration of the culture of Triratna centres, with discussion groups about yesterday’s talk on Triratna’s Six Distinctive Emphases, followed by the presentation of a consultation document setting out defining characteristics of a Triratna centre and principles underlying its running.
There is broad willingness to ensure that the interpretation and application of the Six Emphases continues to evolve according to the needs of new generations of Buddhists.
The afternoon break saw many of us taking walks and naps or...