The sun is shining on Adhisthana and we’ve been considering the future of fundraising in Triratna: creating a stronger culture of giving worldwide, so that all the core institutions, services and people on which Triratna’s life depends worldwide (for example, the College of Public Preceptors - responsible for ordinations - Clear Vision, Free Buddhist Audio and Windhorse Publications) are better resourced.
Afternoons are a mix of free time, special interest groups and business. Amongst many other things this afternoon saw a gathering of the Chairs of Triratna Centres in mainland Europe: from Spain, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. As you might expect, they are particularly interested in the new money for translations of Sangharakshita's books into many languages as part of the £100,000 we're currently raising for Bhante's birthday next week. (We're nearly there! Only £11,000 to go! Help us close the gap.)
Meanwhile, the fields have been mown and a large marquee put up: preparations are well under way for next weekend’s Order gathering to celebrate Sangharakshita’s 90th birthday!