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European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

Dassini and Mokshini In Conversation At The Start Of The Winter ECA 2017

By Mokshini on Sat, 7 Jan, 2017 - 21:48

It’s January and time for the winter European Chairs Assembly meeting, held at Adhistana, UK. A bumper gathering of over 60 chairs of chairs of Triratna Buddhist Centres as well as representatives of some of Triratna’s main projects are meeting for an inspiring, enjoyable, at times challenging mix of practice, talks, discussion, and ritual, for the benefit of all beings! 

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Mainland European Order Convention 2015
Mainland European Order Convention 2015

At last, the video!

By Munisha on Thu, 22 Sep, 2016 - 14:47

At last, the video!

By Munisha on Thu, 22 Sep, 2016 - 14:47

Here is the video of the Mainland European Order Convention 2015! Sorry a few things prevented its appearance a bit earlier - partly my fault.

IJust enjoy 5 minutes of sunny summer lakeside happiness.

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

In celebration of Buddha Day: a short talk on 'Buddha pride'

By Munisha on Mon, 16 May, 2016 - 14:54

In celebration of Buddha Day: a short talk on 'Buddha pride'

By Munisha on Mon, 16 May, 2016 - 14:54

To mark the week of Buddha Day around the Triratna world, here is a poetically inspiring 20-minute celebration of ‘Buddha pride’, given by Belgian Order member and poet Arthakusalin at last summer’s Mainland European Order Convention in northern Germany.

Arthakusalin is Chair of Ghent Buddhist Centre.

Buddha Day is one of three festivals we mark in Triratna celebrating the Three Jewels: Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. It falls officially on the full moon next Saturday 21st May, but will variously be celebrated anytime...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

European Chairs Assembly 2016 - Introduction With Dassini

By Candradasa on Tue, 5 Jan, 2016 - 14:10

Mokshini in conversations with Dassini, Chair of the Glasgow Buddhist Centre in Scotland, to introduce the whys and wherefores of the Triratna European Chairs Assembly. A focus on how things work - particularly around friendship and practice as a community.

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Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Buddhists On the Refugee Crisis

By Munisha on Sun, 27 Sep, 2015 - 16:41

I’ve been at the European Buddhist Union AGM conference in Berlin representing Triratna this weekend. You can follow our coverage on Instagram and Facebook.

Here I’m talking to Martin Schaurhofer (Austrian Buddhist Society) and Žarko Andrićević (Ch’an, Croatia) about the current refugee crisis - and a Buddhist response.

Here is the EBU’s public statement 

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Triratna News
Triratna News

Young Buddhists spreading across Europe

By Munisha on Thu, 17 Jul, 2014 - 14:01

Young Buddhists spreading across Europe

By Munisha on Thu, 17 Jul, 2014 - 14:01The push to make Triratna and the Dharma more accessible to those 18-35 has been remarkably successful in just a few years.

Have a look at this list of groups in Belgium, Germany, Sweden and the UK.

Now they’re considering how to address the needs of teenagers.

Lights In The Sky - living dharma
Lights In The Sky - living dharma


By Suryaprabha on Sun, 17 Nov, 2013 - 12:00


By Suryaprabha on Sun, 17 Nov, 2013 - 12:00THIS LONG film, which can be downloaded from Vimeo*, explores the extent of Triratna Buddhism and tries to combine breadth with depth. I’m interested to know how it succeeds. As someone wrote:
From a community living in Australia to solitary retreat in New Zealand, from a train journey through Eastern Europe to a nursing home in Manchester, from a new Centre in Paris to someone’s personal myth in Finland. The film’s charm comes from its simple honesty: there is...
