Here is the video of the Mainland European Order Convention 2015! Sorry a few things prevented its appearance a bit earlier - partly my fault.
IJust enjoy 5 minutes of sunny summer lakeside happiness.
Here is the video of the Mainland European Order Convention 2015! Sorry a few things prevented its appearance a bit earlier - partly my fault.
IJust enjoy 5 minutes of sunny summer lakeside happiness.
Over on Triratna News, I've just reported on our very successful Mainland European Convention. Since that report has been reposted on Facebook too, a lot of people will read about it.
Meanwhile, if you pledged to give money to Bhante's birthday collection, but haven't done it yet, here's a reminder of how to do it. Just go to
where you can use a credit or debit card to give in Euros if you prefer this to British Pounds. (I know, the exchange rate is terrible.)
We still need another £34,000 by 26th August!
As you know, the money is for the publication, online and on paper, of Bhante's Complete Works, for everyone, forever. Maybe you wonder about giving money for yet more Dharma books in English. However, the project involves far more money for translations too.
Metta, Munisha
The last post from Parami as she wraps up her coverage of the Triratna convention from Germany with inspiring Buddhists from all over mainland Europe and the Nordic countries.
Here we meet Sridevi and Maitriprabha from Helsinki and Viryabodhi from Stockholm, and hear their reflections on an historic event within the Triratna Buddhist Order and Community.
Podcast en español. Entrevista con saddhakara y silamani.
A fascinating, extended interview with Munisha and Utpalachitta preceded by some very lovely chanting of an excerpt from the Ratnaguna Samcayagatha. Some reflections on place, language, autonomy, and - of course - Dharma practice...
Subscribe to the Triratna podcast
Parami with Karunajala and Karunabandhu in Lychen, Germany, from the Triratna mainland European Order Convention.
Some lovely description of the site and an exploration of why it's important to meet as Europeans...