Community Highlights
Community Highlights

'A Supra-personal Force or Energy Working Through Me'

'A Supra-personal Force or Energy Working Through Me'

By Candradasa on Mon, 24 Dec, 2012 - 23:22Or to give it its full title:
‘A Supra-personal Force or Energy Working Through Me’: the Triratna Buddhist Community and the Stream of the Dharma’

The final instalment of Subhuti’s round of articles based on discussions with Sangharakshita, clarifying and exploring further aspects of Sangharakshita’s teaching, which is the foundation of the Triratna Buddhist Community’s system of practice.

Download the rest of the series

Sangharakshita himself writes:

Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Creativity that inspired me - Dealing with hatred and realising its futility

By RCheesley on Thu, 31 May, 2012 - 22:06

Creativity that inspired me - Dealing with hatred and realising its futility

By RCheesley on Thu, 31 May, 2012 - 22:06I created this video for one of the young people’s meetings of the Ipswich & Colchester group - we were asked to bring some creative source which inspires us.

I took two songs which at some point of my life meant something to me, or gave me some ‘insight’ into life, or the way things are, and put them to images. It’s a bit loud at the start, fair warning!
Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Ethics in the world of everyday existence

By RCheesley on Thu, 31 May, 2012 - 21:52

Ethics in the world of everyday existence

By RCheesley on Thu, 31 May, 2012 - 21:52This was a video which I made for my Mitra Study project.

The module we studied was Year 3, Module 6 - An Interconnected World - Buddhist Ethics and Contemporary Issues.

I took two pieces of music which I felt echoed areas of the material we were studying, and set some short video clips, images and words to these. I’ll be adding a final section when I get time at the recommendation of the group (I lost confidence...
