Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Cooking as Spiritual Practice

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 16 Jan, 2019 - 17:02

Cooking as Spiritual Practice

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 16 Jan, 2019 - 17:02

Danabhadri talks about her experience of preparing food in the kitchen of the Dhanakosa retreat centre - including practising mindfulness while chopping vegetables, approaching cooking as a puja, and wisdom reflections on the interconnectedness of our food chain. 

Video created by Shantiketu.

Listen to a talk by Danabhadri, ‘Dogen’s Advice For the Kitchen’

Triratna Centre Managers
Triratna Centre Managers

Bhante's Seminars - now in 16 handsome volumes!

By lokabandhu on Sun, 16 Dec, 2018 - 23:14

Bhante's Seminars - now in 16 handsome volumes!

By lokabandhu on Sun, 16 Dec, 2018 - 23:14

Dear Centre Managers,

Since Bhante died around a month ago I have wanted to do something to mark his passing and to actively contribute to our wonderful Order and Community going forwards.  This impulse, together with a few late nights, has manifested in a new collection of 16 substantial volumes, all available via his Collected Seminars! You can find them very easily by going to and...

Triratna Buddhist Families
Triratna Buddhist Families

Wake Up Mummy! The Potential For Liberation In the Family Life

By Free Buddhist Audio on Wed, 12 Dec, 2018 - 12:22

What does an effective Buddhist practice look like as a parent amidst a family household life? How do we keep alive our values and bring them to the joys and challenges of parenting? In this talk Amaladhi gives us an inside view of life as an Order Member and parent of her young and energetic son, discussing how she engages with parenting as a practice. Whether you are a parent or not she offers a thought provoking exploration of the...

Windhorse Publications
Windhorse Publications

Windhorse Publications Free Dharma

By Windhorse Publi... on Mon, 10 Dec, 2018 - 11:52

Windhorse Publications Free Dharma

By Windhorse Publi... on Mon, 10 Dec, 2018 - 11:52

Did you know we offer What is the Dharma? The Essential Teachings of the Buddha by Sangharakshita as a free eBook? Simply add it to your cart and check out. Our eBooks are compatible with popular eReaders – find out more about our formats here.

What is the Dharma?

To walk in the footsteps of the Buddha we need a clear and thorough guide to the essential principles of Buddhism. Whether we have just begun our journey or are a practitioner with...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Italian-speaking volunteers wanted for translation of Sangharakshita's work

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 4 Sep, 2018 - 12:08

Italian-speaking volunteers wanted for translation of Sangharakshita's work

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 4 Sep, 2018 - 12:08

Val Cartei is a mitra training for ordination in Brighton, UK. She’s a published author in both English and Italian, now working with Triratna’s Translations Board.  She is now looking for some volunteers to help her with translating some of Sangharakshita’s writings into Italian:-

She writes: “I am looking for Italian speaking volunteers with proofreading and editing skills to help me produce high-quality translations into Italian of Sangharakshita’s works. I have so far translated The Noble Eightfold Path, Who is the Buddha?...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

5 Years of the Buddhist Centre Online: #8 Wisdom Beyond Words

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 29 Aug, 2018 - 15:30

5 Years of the Buddhist Centre Online: #8 Wisdom Beyond Words

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 29 Aug, 2018 - 15:30

“The culmination of wisdom is freedom from all views. You have nothing to say. When all the answers are in your being, you have no need to keep them in your head.” - Sangharakshita (Seminar on The Door of Liberation)

The goal of Buddhism is the attainment of Enlightenment - but what is Enlightenment? One way of describing it is seeing the true nature of reality and living in accordance with that vision. An Enlightened being is free...

Padmaloka Retreat Centre
Padmaloka Retreat Centre

You Can Help To Make Padmaloka Dharma Talks Even Better

By Sanghanistha on Fri, 10 Aug, 2018 - 12:57

You Can Help To Make Padmaloka Dharma Talks Even Better

By Sanghanistha on Fri, 10 Aug, 2018 - 12:57

So far, 2018 has been another year of excellent Dharma talks given at here Padmaloka. Some of the highlights have included Subhuti’s talks on our Bodhisattva Ideal retreatPadmavajra’s talks on our five-day Milarepa retreat, as well as Ratnaguna’s and Sraddhapa’s talks on our open retreat. The only thing that lets these talks down is the sound quality of their recordings, which could be much much better. Candradasa has very kindly put together a proposal about how we might...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Why does the Dharma Exist?

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 27 Jul, 2018 - 12:26

This FBA Dharmabyte is another excerpt from a 1968 talk by Sangharakshita called ‘Why does the Dharma exist?’. Dharma is the experience of reality, and also the expression of that experience in the form of the Buddha’s teaching, especially the law of conditionality. It is the raft that carries you to Enlightenment, the further shore; it is whatever helps you to develop spiritually.

Excerpted from the talk entitled ‘The Meaning of the Dharma‘ given in 1968 as part...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: The Dharma Jewel

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 27 Jul, 2018 - 12:20

This FBA Dharmabyte is called ‘The Dharma Jewel’ by Sangharakshita. Dharma is the experience of reality, and also the expression of that experience in the form of the Buddha’s teaching, especially the law of conditionality. It is the raft that carries you to Enlightenment, the further shore; it is whatever helps you to develop spiritually.

This is an excerpt from the talk entitled ‘The Meaning of the Dharma‘ given in 1968 as part of the series ‘...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Practicing As a Parent

By Sadayasihi on Sun, 8 Jul, 2018 - 22:27

Sudaka, the Mitra Convenor in the Valencia Buddhist Centre, talks about his experience of Buddhist practice as a parent and discusses how he fits in his meditation practice, the importance of having a supportive partner and how his practice informs his parenting.

He also mentions the upcoming International Family Retreat (Retiro Internacional De Familias) which is taking place in Suryavana at the end of July, which he is facilitating along with Vidyadasa and friends. Find out more about the ...
