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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabytes: Everyone Needs the Dharma - Milarepa's Song

By Rijupatha on Mon, 2 Jun, 2014 - 14:48
Today’s FBA Dharmabyte, “Everyone Needs the Dharma”, is a lovely reading of one of Milarepa’s Songs by Sangharakshita. Talk given in 1979.

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Dharmabyte: Face To Face With Reality

By Rijupatha on Mon, 19 May, 2014 - 14:59
In today’s FBA Dharmabyte we bring you “Face To Face With Reality.” Vadanya draws on the Pali Canon and The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy to explore how coming face to face with reality is liberating and expansive – but also very uncomfortable for our habitual small self. Our Dharmabyte is just the beginning of the talk, for the rest: “Face to Face with Reality”.

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Dhanakosa Buddhist Retreat Centre
Dhanakosa Buddhist Retreat Centre

This Being retreat day 1, The principle of conditionality

By Yashobodhi on Tue, 8 Apr, 2014 - 10:10
On the first day of the This Being That Becomes retreat, Dhivan talks about the Buddha’s general formulation of conditionality, about the Four Noble Truths and about the three kinds of dukkha.
The Buddha’s words to Ananda: ‘This dependent arising is deep and profound. It is from not understanding and penetrating this Dharma that people have become like a tangle of string covered in mould and matted like grass, unable to escape from samsara with its miseries, disasters and bad...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Being Present to Experience

By Rijupatha on Mon, 7 Apr, 2014 - 15:19
In today’s FBA Dharmabyte, “Being Present to Experience” we have Maitreyabandhu speaking in his usual playful, engaging way on vedana, success, being present to our experience, and recognizing the gap between our thoughts and our direct experience. This is an excerpt from Week 4 of his Dharmic Receptivity Series given at the London Buddhist Centre, Monday, 17 May 2014.

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Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast - Dharmic Receptivity

By Rijupatha on Sun, 9 Mar, 2014 - 15:45

FBA Podcast - Dharmic Receptivity

By Rijupatha on Sun, 9 Mar, 2014 - 15:45Our FBA Podcast this week, “Dharmic Receptivity,” is the full talk previewed on Dharmabytes last Thursday - “Pointing at Something Real.” Given by Jnanavaca, it marked the launch of the London Buddhist Center’s theme for the year. Talk given at the LBC’s Dharma Night Class, Monday January 20th 2014.

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Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast - Karma, Rebirth and the Deep Boundless Dharma

By Rijupatha on Mon, 3 Mar, 2014 - 14:18

FBA Podcast - Karma, Rebirth and the Deep Boundless Dharma

By Rijupatha on Mon, 3 Mar, 2014 - 14:18Vessantara has been on a three-year-long retreat and as he emerges he has many insights to share. Our FBA Podcast this week is filled with deep reflections marked by clarity and a brilliance we are excited to make available. From the FBA ...
Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte - The Buddhist View on Rebirth

By Rijupatha on Thu, 27 Feb, 2014 - 17:28
Vessantara is back from his three year long retreat and has many insights to share. Our FBA Dharmabyte today is a preview for next Saturday’s full-length FBA Podcast. In “The Buddhist View on Rebirth” Vessantara dives deep as he describes how awareness continues to arise after death – there is continued experience but no ‘I’ to have that experience. The full talk Karma, Rebirth and the Deep Boundless Dharma was...
Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Metta: Blazing Like the Sun

By vajratara on Thu, 13 Feb, 2014 - 21:33

Metta: Blazing Like the Sun

By vajratara on Thu, 13 Feb, 2014 - 21:33Following the 2013 Urban Retreat theme, the young people’s retreat in November at Adhistana (aka ‘The Big One’) explored the theme of metta: blazing like the sun. This was Vajratara’s talk on that weekend.
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Subhuti - Revering and Relying on the Sangha

By Candradasa on Tue, 26 Feb, 2013 - 03:45
A great talk by Subhuti to get the first full day of the Triratna Order Convention for 2013 off to a deeply engaging start. Looking at the Garava Sutta in its earlier and later versions, and drawing inspiration from the occasion and our setting so close to the Vajrasana (the Buddha’s ‘Seat of Enlightenment’), Subhuti draws out a distinctive difference that opens into a world of significance for our Buddhist Order and the wider Triratna Community.

Triratna News
Triratna News

'A Supra-personal Force or Energy Working Through Me': the Triratna Buddhist Community and the Stream of the Dharma

By Candradasa on Mon, 24 Dec, 2012 - 23:30

'A Supra-personal Force or Energy Working Through Me': the Triratna Buddhist Community and the Stream of the Dharma

By Candradasa on Mon, 24 Dec, 2012 - 23:30Subhuti has just published the final instalment of his round of articles based on discussions with Sangharakshita, clarifying and exploring further aspects of Sangharakshita’s teaching, which is the foundation of the Triratna Buddhist Community’s system of practice.

Read it online now or download along with the rest of the series

Sangharakshita himself writes:
I am glad to see that Subhuti has now completed ‘A Supra-Personal Force: The Triratna...
