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Tag: Dharma Life Course


How has Sangharakshita's life changed yours?

By akasajoti on Sat, 11 Jul, 2015 - 15:25

How has Sangharakshita's life changed yours?

By akasajoti on Sat, 11 Jul, 2015 - 15:25

Four young women from Adhisthana’s DharmaLife course - which finished yesterday - talk to Amalavajra about how their lives have been changed by Sangharakshita’s life and writings.

Bhante’s 90th birthday present will be the collation, editing and publication (paper and digital) of everything that he has ever written. This is an enormous project that will need five years work and £100,000 (including some translations from English).

Without it, the scattered share of Bhante’s writings that is currently available will simply become harder to come by and explore in full.



Young Women's Dharma Life Course - half way through the adventure...

By Vidyatara on Thu, 1 May, 2014 - 10:35

Young Women's Dharma Life Course - half way through the adventure...

By Vidyatara on Thu, 1 May, 2014 - 10:35In February this year, 8 young women from different parts of the UK and the globe arrived at Adhisthana to start the 5 month Young Women’s Dharma Life Course. They are now about half way through and this is what they’ve been up to.

A similar course for young men is due to start in September, so if you are a young man, practising in the Triratna Community you can contact Vidyaruchi (matt.notmatt@yahoo.co.uk