Triratna News
Triratna News

Buddhist Action Month 2023: BAM!

By Centre Team on Tue, 23 May, 2023 - 17:28

Buddhist Action Month 2023: BAM!

By Centre Team on Tue, 23 May, 2023 - 17:28

Buddhist Action Month (BAM) has been a feature at Triratna Centres over the past decade or so. And now we have news of BAM 2023 from the organising team at the Network of Buddhist Organizations.

Get involved with BAM 2023!

What will you do for BAM 2023?
Perhaps you’ll take stock of the compassionate action that we are already doing. Perhaps you’ll ask how can we refine or supercharge those actions. Perhaps you’ll try something new.


Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

How do you speak about sustainability as a buddhist?

By gunaketu on Thu, 3 Jun, 2021 - 14:38

How do you speak about sustainability as a buddhist?

By gunaketu on Thu, 3 Jun, 2021 - 14:38

This evening we have the great delight to invite Dhammapītika from the Netherlands to a conversation with Gunaketu about how buddhists can speak up about sustainability.
How to cope, deal with and relate to climatchange? This invites us to reshape our deepest myths of creation and of being. Some find it exhilarating - others frightening. Entering the new era with openess and non rigidity is a skill that can be learned. Are you interested?

Dhammapītika is chair of the...

Community Highlights
Buddhist Action

The Compassionate Revolution with Parami (Buddhist Action Month)

By Centre Team on Tue, 2 Jun, 2020 - 23:11

The Compassionate Revolution with Parami (Buddhist Action Month)

By Centre Team on Tue, 2 Jun, 2020 - 23:11

Sunday June 7: The Compassionate Revolution

USA 11am PST | México 1pm | USA 2pm EST | UK &  IE 7pm | Europe 8pm CET

Reserve a space and donate here

The current situation has shone a stark light on the failings of our society in many spheres of life. As we recover from the covid crisis and rebuild towards a ‘new normal’ we must not...

North London Buddhist Centre
North London Buddhist Centre


By Ratnaprabha on Thu, 28 May, 2020 - 10:23


By Ratnaprabha on Thu, 28 May, 2020 - 10:23

Sangha Night Buddhism, Mondays, 19:00

On 1, 8 and 15 June, Sangha night will focus on the theme for Buddhist Action Month, which this year is …for the Earth. We will explore what we want to do or say ‘for the Earth’, with short talks, discussion and ritual and with reference to the Brahmaviharas – specifically Metta (love), Karuna (compassion) and Mudita (joy). These weeks will be led by Karunagita with support from Katja and the Sangha night team. 

Join Zoom...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

BAM 2019 - Fundraiser

By saradarshini on Tue, 9 Jul, 2019 - 03:29

BAM 2019 - Fundraiser

By saradarshini on Tue, 9 Jul, 2019 - 03:29

This year at the WBC we have been unable to participate fully in BAM due to a lack of resources but I think it’s important that we as Buddhists think about the outward facing aspect of our practice, there can be a bit of a tendency to get really focussed inwards, either on ourselves or on the Wellington Sangha. We can forget that we are part of a much larger picture.

This year we have had a focus on Sangha...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Akuppa at the Mid Essex Buddhist Centre

By Viryanatha on Fri, 31 May, 2019 - 08:37

Akuppa at the Mid Essex Buddhist Centre

By Viryanatha on Fri, 31 May, 2019 - 08:37

As part of BAM 2019, we are delighted to welcome Akuppa, author of “Saving the earth, a Buddhist view”.

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

BAM at the Mid Essex Buddhist Centre

By Viryanatha on Fri, 31 May, 2019 - 08:31

BAM at the Mid Essex Buddhist Centre

By Viryanatha on Fri, 31 May, 2019 - 08:31

We are so excited at the MEBC to be starting a new BAM this year. 

Please come and join us this month of June for one of our weekly events. 

Our top event this year is coming up in 7th June when we will have the pleasure to welcome Akuppa, author of “Saving the Earth, a Buddhist view”

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Buddhist Action Month 2019

By gunabhadri on Wed, 13 Feb, 2019 - 11:22

Buddhist Action Month 2019

By gunabhadri on Wed, 13 Feb, 2019 - 11:22

In the month of June there will be an opportunity again to engage with Buddhist Action Month via this space. Running ahead and in preparation the following initiatives are worth noting:

  • UK Buddhist Climate Action Training day
    Taking place in Brixton, South London on 23rd February. It is run by Religions for Peace, GreenFaith, and the Faith for the Climate Network, with the support of the Network of Buddhist Organizations UK, who have taken climate action as the theme for Buddhist Action Month 2019. More details can
  • ...
Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Beyond BAM 2018

By Christine on Fri, 3 Aug, 2018 - 21:03

Beyond BAM 2018

By Christine on Fri, 3 Aug, 2018 - 21:03

BAM 2018 witnessed a variety of initiatives to make the world a better place. Let’s rejoice in our individual and collective capacities to transform and to change the world. Sadhu!!! 

What about Beyond BAM? Transformation of self and world cannot be limited to the month of June alone! 

One tangible way we can maintain our ethical vigilance has been made possible by our friends at Ethical Consumer, who were so inspired by Buddhist Action Month that they have offered to extend the special BAM offer beyond June. Simply type...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Transforming World at the Wellington Buddhist Centre

By saradarshini on Wed, 18 Jul, 2018 - 01:34

Transforming World at the Wellington Buddhist Centre

By saradarshini on Wed, 18 Jul, 2018 - 01:34

Using this board, we collected ideas about the world we wish to inhabit. These pieces of paper are stylised feathers, and during the month as they collected they turned into a fantastic feather cloak (kakahu) that embodies a world more in line with our values. What we wrote follows.

  • The world we envision for the future is one where the arts are paramount, myth and legend carry our inspiration above the material world; appreciation and gratitude are valued over ownership and rights
  • ...
