Using this board, we collected ideas about the world we wish to inhabit. These pieces of paper are stylised feathers, and during the month as they collected they turned into a fantastic feather cloak (kakahu) that embodies a world more in line with our values. What we wrote follows.
- The world we envision for the future is one where the arts are paramount, myth and legend carry our inspiration above the material world; appreciation and gratitude are valued over ownership and rights
- What connects us as a species gathers momentum so the beautiful planet we live on survives and people thrive; education emphasises well-being, explaining what it means to be conscious
- All people live in peace and harmony with each other and the physical environment; the soil and the seas are free from pollution and plastics; and where love and acceptance prevail, with no guns, no war and no weapons of war
- Diversity is celebrated, no one is judged because of gender, we see the best in each other, and we speak with honesty and kindness
- In this new world we have transformed our aggressive animal instincts; everyone is loved and cared for no matter what, and humans are caretakers of nature
- Our health and comfort and choice doesn’t depend on the poverty, impoverishment and disempowerment of others, no one goes hungry or homeless and all healthcare needs are met
- Animals are not used for monetary gain or enslaved and their habitats are preserved, we don’t eat them or farm them allowing them to live and maintaining the health of our planet
- People live in alignment with their morals and there is freedom and opportunity for everyone to find their true talents; all beings are at peace, all are at ease and all experience love. Spirituality comes naturally to every living being.
May the Dharma Flourish!