Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action
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The Compassionate Revolution with Parami (Buddhist Action Month)

Sunday June 7: The Compassionate Revolution

USA 11am PST | México 1pm | USA 2pm EST | UK &  IE 7pm | Europe 8pm CET

Reserve a space and donate here

The current situation has shone a stark light on the failings of our society in many spheres of life. As we recover from the covid crisis and rebuild towards a ‘new normal’ we must not try to return to the way things were.

How can we as Buddhist practitioners contribute to a fairer society, honouring the wellbeing of all beings and of our earth home?

The first in a series of events for Buddhist Action Month from The Dharma Toolkit.

Get the Dharma Toolkit newsletter to hear first about the rest of our BAM! 2020 program


This series is offered based on your ability to pay. If you can, please donate to support our work and help others who can't afford it attend online events and classes. Suggested donation each week is £5/$7.50/€5.
