Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Adhisthana Intensive - course for young women

By Prajnaketu on Thu, 6 Feb, 2020 - 12:06

Adhisthana Intensive - course for young women

By Prajnaketu on Thu, 6 Feb, 2020 - 12:06

A 3 month residential course at Adhisthana providing an opportunity to work, live as a community study, and develop friendships.

The course is designed to provide a multi-faceted training, where you will have the opportunity to experience all parts of your life as a spiritual practice. This will include daily work periods, living as a community, deepening friendships, and community living. Study will support this aim, emphasising the mythic dimension, developing positive emotion and supporting the ability to work with our mental...

Clear Vision Trust
Clear Vision Trust

The Preceptors’ College Chair Handover

By Amaradaya on Wed, 15 Jan, 2020 - 13:19

The Preceptors’ College Chair Handover

By Amaradaya on Wed, 15 Jan, 2020 - 13:19

The annual international meeting of the Preceptors’ College took place from the 4th to the 14th November, 2019. It was Saddhaloka’s final meeting as Chair after almost five years of service, and half-way through the meeting he handed over to Ratnadharini, the incoming Chair, marking the transition with a ritual and rejoicings. Here we capture the handover ceremony and extracts from interviews with Saddhaloka and Ratnadharini.

European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

Photos from the 2020 Winter ECA Meeting at Adhisthana

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 14 Jan, 2020 - 14:35

Photos from the 2020 Winter ECA Meeting at Adhisthana

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 14 Jan, 2020 - 14:35

Here are some photos from the 2020 Winter European Chairs Assembly meeting which took place at Adhisthana. The ECA meeting is a chance for those chairing Triratna Buddhist Centres across Europe to come together, practice the Dharma, develop friendships and discuss issues of relevance to their sanghas and the Triratna movement, as a whole.

Community Highlights

47 Years of Friendship and Service: Saddhanandi Interviews Sona

By Maitriyogini on Thu, 31 Oct, 2019 - 15:42

47 Years of Friendship and Service: Saddhanandi Interviews Sona

By Maitriyogini on Thu, 31 Oct, 2019 - 15:42

On the 30th October 2019 there was a community practice day at Adhisthana to mark the first anniversary of the death of Sangharakshita, the founder of the Triratna Buddhist community. Sangharakshita spent the last few years of his life at Adhisthana and is now buried there.

During that day Saddhanandi, the chair of Adhisthana, interviewed Sona about his relationship with Sangharakshita. Sona was ordained by Sangharakshita in 1974 and had a long-standing friendship with him.

Recorded at Adhisthana, 30th October 2019.

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Watch the Sangharakshita Anniversary Livestream Here!

By Centre Team on Wed, 30 Oct, 2019 - 18:04

Watch the Sangharakshita Anniversary Livestream Here!

By Centre Team on Wed, 30 Oct, 2019 - 18:04

Updated: view picture and clips on Instagram

‘Seeing Bhante - A Personal Perspective’

We will be live streaming Jnanavaca’s talk ‘Seeing Bhante - A Personal Perspective’ on Wednesday 30th October 7.30pm GMT. 

Jnanavaca reflects on the significance of Sangharakshita’s life, exactly one year after his death.

The talk will be live here as well as on the site home page, the Sangharakshita Memorial space and on our facebook page

Note: To hear the sound click unmute. If...

Sangharakshita Memorial Space
Sangharakshita Memorial Space

Watch the Sangharakshita Anniversary Livestream Here!

By Centre Team on Wed, 30 Oct, 2019 - 12:05

Watch the Sangharakshita Anniversary Livestream Here!

By Centre Team on Wed, 30 Oct, 2019 - 12:05

Updated: view picture and clips on Instagram

Watch on Vimeo

‘Seeing Bhante - A Personal Perspective’

We will be live streaming Jnanavaca’s talk ‘Seeing Bhante - A Personal Perspective’ on Wednesday 30th October 7.30pm GMT. Jnanavaca reflects on the significance of Sangharakshita’s life, exactly one year after his death.

The talk will be live here as well as on the site home page, the Features space and on our ...

Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

More photos from the Big One 2019

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 28 Oct, 2019 - 17:02

More photos from the Big One 2019

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 28 Oct, 2019 - 17:02

About 90 people attended the 2019 Big One. Here’s some more images from the weekend, which ended in glorious autumnal sunshine!

See more posts from the Big One 2019

Connect with us on social media for the sights and sounds of the ‘Big One’ through the weekend:

Follow us on: ...

Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Voices from the Big One 2019

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 28 Oct, 2019 - 16:44

Voices from the Big One 2019

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 28 Oct, 2019 - 16:44

Amber, Karthick and Emma share their experiences of the 2019 Big One at Adhisthana.

See more posts from the Big One 2019

Connect with us on social media for the sights and sounds of the ‘Big One’ through the weekend:

Follow us on: Instagram  | Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Tumblr

Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Big One 2019: Preview of Ksantikara's Personal Talk

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 28 Oct, 2019 - 16:38

Big One 2019: Preview of Ksantikara's Personal Talk

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 28 Oct, 2019 - 16:38

Here’s a sneak preview of the lovely Ksantikara regaling us with some themes from his childhood during his short personal talk on ‘Blueprint for a New Society’.

The full Dharma talk will be available soon.

See more posts from the Big One 2019

Connect with us on social media for the sights and sounds of the ‘Big One’ through the weekend:

Follow us on: Instagram  | Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Tumblr
