College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Chairs' Letter – June 2022

By ratnadharini on Sun, 3 Jul, 2022 - 22:51

Chairs' Letter – June 2022

By ratnadharini on Sun, 3 Jul, 2022 - 22:51

Dear Order Members + friends,

This month I seem to have emerged more fully from the era of Covid lockdowns. As well as my regular visits to South Wales, I’ve also been to London, Stratford-upon-Avon (wonderful to get to the theatre again: Henry VI and Richard III), and Leek in northern England (checking out a possible property for Tiratanaloka). I’ve also been kayaking down the River Taff to Cardiff basin, negotiating a couple of weirs and a lot of rocks...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Dr. Samuel Johnson - A New Video by Urgyen House

By Centre Team on Tue, 14 Jun, 2022 - 15:40

Dr. Samuel Johnson - A New Video by Urgyen House

By Centre Team on Tue, 14 Jun, 2022 - 15:40

Sangharakshita would oft quote Dr. Johnson in his talks and writings. His portrait was displayed in Sangharakshita’s bedroom at Urgyen House. In this video blog Paramartha explores the connection between Sangharakshita and his eighteenth century literary hero.

Urgyen House, at Adhisthana, has proved a popular and inspiring space for visitors offering the opportunity to see Bhante’s last home and visit the current ‘Precious Teachers’ exhibition. The video blogs posted on the Urgyen House website...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Chairs' Letter – May 2022

By ratnadharini on Tue, 31 May, 2022 - 18:50

Chairs' Letter – May 2022

By ratnadharini on Tue, 31 May, 2022 - 18:50

Dear Order Members and friends,

As well as being College Chair, I’ve come to hold various other responsibilities within Triratna, including currently being a Centre President and involved in the International Council. Looking back, becoming part of the women’s ordination team at Tiratanaloka was probably the most significant factor in shaping this life; but actually it goes back even further than that and has really emerged from a network of kalyanamitrata…

I first encountered the FWBO / Triratna in London, when I was...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Chairs' Letter – April 2022

By ratnadharini on Sat, 30 Apr, 2022 - 23:01

Chairs' Letter – April 2022

By ratnadharini on Sat, 30 Apr, 2022 - 23:01

See April’s ‘Features from the College’ here.

Dear Order Members and friends, 

A year ago, someone rejoiced in my merits – and those of College members generally – as they put it: ‘out of the blue’. He said he was following up an intention to express gratitude when he felt it, and I’d like to take this opportunity to respond ‘in kind’.

Saddharaja has rheumatoid arthritis, and recently Covid on top of that, however he’s just...

Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Sub35 Changemakers Weekends

By Ksantikara on Fri, 10 Dec, 2021 - 20:27

Sub35 Changemakers Weekends

By Ksantikara on Fri, 10 Dec, 2021 - 20:27

Are you a Mitra aged 18-34? Keen to transform yourself and the world? We need you!

A renewed Buddhism needs to confront the modern world as it is. It needs to be a radical alternative to an individualistic consumer society. It needs teachings that help to overcome hatred and prejudice. It needs people living and working together to reduce suffering, tackle loneliness and give meaning to people’s lives.

The world needs a radical blueprint for change. The Dharma, as elucidated by Sangharakshita, provides a...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Chairs' Letter – November 2021

By ratnadharini on Tue, 30 Nov, 2021 - 21:54

Chairs' Letter – November 2021

By ratnadharini on Tue, 30 Nov, 2021 - 21:54

Dear Order members and friends,

This month the annual international College meeting was a complex hybrid affair, taking place partly in person at Adhisthana, and partly online. Akasajoti came up with a schedule that not only took into account the different time zones, but also maximised crossover by shuffling us into different configurations; she even set up interactive zoom screen in the shrine room that meant we could all see and hear each other.

We began...

Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

2022 Dharma Life Courses (applications for women closing soon!)

By Ksantikara on Fri, 5 Nov, 2021 - 11:33

2022 Dharma Life Courses (applications for women closing soon!)

By Ksantikara on Fri, 5 Nov, 2021 - 11:33

Dharma Life Course for Young Women | 7 March – 24 June 2022
Application deadline: Friday 10 Dec 2021, email caroline [at] (subject: Dharma%20Life%20Course) .

Dharma Life Course for Young Men | 22 Aug – 9 Dec 2022
Applications open January 2022 but express interest online now

A four-month residential course providing you with an opportunity to live an intensive dharma life: living, practicing, studying and working together within...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Chairs' Letter – September 2021

By ratnadharini on Thu, 30 Sep, 2021 - 10:22

Chairs' Letter – September 2021

By ratnadharini on Thu, 30 Sep, 2021 - 10:22

Dear Order members and friends, 

It’s a while since I’ve written, as there was no September Shabda.

It’s been a delight over the past few months to see a series of ‘hybrid’ events taking place at Adhisthana,‘in person’ as well as online. People have appreciated being able to reconnect in that way again, as well as enjoying the beautiful environment and the opportunity to visit the newly opened Urgyen House and exhibition, and the...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Ordinations at Adhisthana

By parami on Thu, 30 Sep, 2021 - 09:28

Ordinations at Adhisthana

By parami on Thu, 30 Sep, 2021 - 09:28

We are delighted to announce that the ordinations of the following women took place at Adhisthana on 29th September 2021.

With metta,

Parami and Santavajri.

Public Preceptor Santavajri:

Virginie Van Mol becomes Lokesvari (accent on the ’s’, long ‘i’) a Sanskrit name meaning Noble Queen of the World.
Registered spelling Lokeshvari. Private preceptor Akasasuri.

Kate Grant becomes Kavaradhi (long second ‘a’. long ‘i’), a Sanskrit name meaning She who has Lotus-like Wisdom.
