
A glance back over our tenth year

By Maitriyogini on Thu, 21 Dec, 2023 - 11:30

A glance back over our tenth year

By Maitriyogini on Thu, 21 Dec, 2023 - 11:30

It’s been a significant year at Adhisthana, and as it draws to a close we are taking the opportunity to cast a backward glance over what has happened.

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Community Highlights
College of Public Preceptors

Babasaheb Ambedkar arrives at Adhisthana

By akasajoti on Fri, 17 Nov, 2023 - 00:33

Babasaheb Ambedkar arrives at Adhisthana

By akasajoti on Fri, 17 Nov, 2023 - 00:33

For several years now, during each international Preceptors’ College meeting, time is dedicated to hearing from the kula of Public Preceptors in India. This was a special year, with all ten of them able to travel over, making up more than 20% of those gathered for the meeting. 

One morning was spent hearing about the work of the ordination teams and public preceptors in India, including the establishment of a new retreat centre dedicated to ordination training, Sudarshan Bhumi, named ...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Opening the College Meeting + Invoking the Lineage

By akasajoti on Wed, 8 Nov, 2023 - 16:30

Opening the College Meeting + Invoking the Lineage

By akasajoti on Wed, 8 Nov, 2023 - 16:30

The College Meeting began on Monday evening with Ratnadharini welcoming 43 of the 50 current Public Preceptors to the annual international College meeting. They have travelled from North America, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, India, Spain, Germany, Ireland and the UK, to gather together here at Adhisthana. A couple of those not present will hopefully be arriving in the next days, and the others unable to make the journey this year for various reasons. They spent the first evening checking-in...

Windhorse Publications
Windhorse Publications

Windhorse Publications at Adhisthana!

By Windhorse Publi... on Wed, 8 Nov, 2023 - 12:39

Windhorse Publications at Adhisthana!

By Windhorse Publi... on Wed, 8 Nov, 2023 - 12:39

Since the beginning of lockdown in 2020, our small team has largely been working from home. We meet up occasionally in Cambridge for a day, and gather online once a week. But last week we had the opportunity to spend time together at Adhisthana where we came together to discuss important operational matters, make decisions, and shape the future of Windhorse Publications.

Walter, who is responsible for our book marketing, said…

‘The meeting was a resounding success, filled with insightful discussions on...

Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Applications open for 2024 Dharma Life Course for Young Men

By Ksantikara on Fri, 3 Nov, 2023 - 17:08

Applications open for 2024 Dharma Life Course for Young Men

By Ksantikara on Fri, 3 Nov, 2023 - 17:08

27 August – 17 December 2024
Applications due Friday 1 March 2024

A four-month residential course providing you with an opportunity to live an intensive dharma life: living, practising, studying, and working together within the context of Adhisthana. 

Over 16 weeks you’ll receive a grounding in the principles and practice of Triratna Buddhism through retreats, study with experienced teachers and communal living. You’ll also participate in the life of the wider Adhisthana sangha: meditating together, performing ritual, developing kalyana mitrata and joining in with...

Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Applications open for 2024 Dharma Life Course for Young Men

By Ksantikara on Fri, 3 Nov, 2023 - 17:05

Applications open for 2024 Dharma Life Course for Young Men

By Ksantikara on Fri, 3 Nov, 2023 - 17:05

27 August – 17 December 2024
Applications due Friday 1 March 2024

A four-month residential course providing you with an opportunity to live an intensive dharma life: living, practising, studying, and working together within the context of Adhisthana. 

Over 16 weeks you’ll receive a grounding in the principles and practice of Triratna Buddhism through retreats, study with experienced teachers and communal living. You’ll also participate in the life of the wider Adhisthana sangha: meditating together, performing ritual, developing kalyana mitrata and joining in with...


Today we remember Sangharakshita

By Maitriyogini on Mon, 30 Oct, 2023 - 17:54

Today we remember Sangharakshita

By Maitriyogini on Mon, 30 Oct, 2023 - 17:54

Sangharakshita, founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order and movement. Glimpse the events in the lead up to his funeral and for those who were there, remember his funeral from five ago.
