College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Letter from the College – June

By ratnadharini on Fri, 30 Jun, 2023 - 15:42

Letter from the College – June

By ratnadharini on Fri, 30 Jun, 2023 - 15:42

Dear Order members and friends,

My experience this month has been dominated by preparing for, and enacting, a 150 mile pilgrimage from where Sangharakshita was born in Tooting, London, on 26th August 1925, to Adhisthana, Herefordshire, where he lived the last – and some of the happiest – years of his life, dying on 30th October 2018. Having had the inspiration for the pilgrimage, I realised I could share the experience with others and open it up as a fundraising initiative...


The First UK National People of Colour Retreat

By Maitriyogini on Fri, 30 Jun, 2023 - 10:30

The First UK National People of Colour Retreat

By Maitriyogini on Fri, 30 Jun, 2023 - 10:30

At the end of May Adhisthana hosted a long weekend for the first national People of Colour retreat for the UK. While Triratna POC events have been running in London for over thirty years, this is the first time that there has been a national retreat offered for people of colour drawing on Sangha’s from around the UK.

The teaching team for the retreat was Surygupta (Chair of the London Buddhist Cente), Bodhilila (Chair of the West London...


A Stream of Spiritual Energy, by Subhuti

By Oliviahinde on Mon, 26 Jun, 2023 - 10:30

A Stream of Spiritual Energy, by Subhuti

By Oliviahinde on Mon, 26 Jun, 2023 - 10:30

There is a powerful quotation in the talk given by Bhante at the LBC on Padmasambhava Day in 1979. He says somewhere that our centres, our communities, and our co-ops, are all ways of contacting different aspects of life and transforming them, because this is essentially what our movement is about. “It’s not simply a Buddhist movement in the narrow sense, or even a spiritual movement in the narrow sense. It’s a stream of spiritual energy that deeply transforms...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Day Nine #PilgrimageUnlimited Video Diary: Winchcombe to Tewkesbury

By akasajoti on Thu, 22 Jun, 2023 - 00:14

Day Nine #PilgrimageUnlimited Video Diary: Winchcombe to Tewkesbury

By akasajoti on Thu, 22 Jun, 2023 - 00:14

Day 9: Winchcombe, to Tewkesbury, 11 miles. Wild cows, wild footpaths, wild effort… 🐄 🌱 🔥 

Ratnadharini writes:

I’m overjoyed to see this pilgrimage has inspired nearly 250 to collectively give over £13,000 to Tiratanaloka Unlimited! It’s a project close to my heart. I did so well yesterday, maybe because I used walking poles. Today was harder: detours to avoid frisky cows; negotiating overgrown - or non-existent footpaths; right hip starting to complain… and crossing the M5 was a shock. But Tewkesbury is...

College of Public Preceptors
Buddhist Centre Features

Day Eight #PilgrimageUnlimited Video Diary: Gt Barrington to Winchcombe

By akasajoti on Tue, 20 Jun, 2023 - 22:49

Day Eight #PilgrimageUnlimited Video Diary: Gt Barrington to Winchcombe

By akasajoti on Tue, 20 Jun, 2023 - 22:49

Day 8: Great Barrington to Winchcombe, 19.5 miles. Torrential rain, wet socks, and taking the next step… 🌧️🦶🏼💙

Ratnadharini writes:

Today was always going to be a challenge, but the early start meant I started out in a torrential downpour and was soon soaked through - including boots full of water. I squelched determinedly for a couple of hours, until a church porch gave me an opportunity to wring out my socks. The universe seemed to think 19.5 miles wasn’t enough of a challenge...


Livestream: 108 hours of Circumambulation

By Maitriyogini on Sun, 18 Jun, 2023 - 18:02

Livestream: 108 hours of Circumambulation

By Maitriyogini on Sun, 18 Jun, 2023 - 18:02

As part of Pilgrims Week at Adhisthana, we will be circumambulating around Sangharakshita’s burial mound for 108 continuous hours. You can turn in at any time and see who is currently circumambulating, day or night.

You may notice that if you tune in at night, you can’t see much! We are currently fundraising to install electric lights in the memorial garden, creating a mandala of light. Please do consider giving to enable this project. [PLEASE NOTE: this link is...

College of Public Preceptors
Buddhist Centre Features

#PilgrimageUnlimited: Contribute to the future of women's ordinations... 🥳✨🧘‍♂️

By akasajoti on Sun, 18 Jun, 2023 - 01:40

#PilgrimageUnlimited: Contribute to the future of women's ordinations... 🥳✨🧘‍♂️

By akasajoti on Sun, 18 Jun, 2023 - 01:40

Ratnadharini is at the half-way point of her 150 mile pilgrimage between the places of Sangharakshita’s birth and death; and, we have reached 70% of her fundraising target.

Having lived for 15 years at Tiratanaloka, before taking on the property search, purchase and renovation of Adhisthana, Tiratanaloka Unlimited is a project close to her heart. For the last three and a half years she has been serving our Order and Community as the Chair...
