Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts
Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts
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Welcome to Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts
Urthona is a lively, glossy magazine packed with reviews, art features, photography features, in depth essays on art, music & literature and much more - everything about the arts from a spiritual viewpoint, written by Buddhists for Buddhists!

Our site: www.urthona.com

Essays and much more: urthonaessays.wordpress.com

- Read interviews with remarkable artists like Sahaja who has been painting canvases of Vajrasattva - Buddha of primordial purity.
- See a wide selection of high quality reproductions of work by artists at the cutting edge of turning dharma into image.
- Savour ten pages of poetry by Buddhist and others, plus poetry reivews of your favourite modern poets.
- Be informed about developments and new work in the Triratna arts community.

IFor more details and to subscribe go to www.urthona.com

For editor's blog with intriguing thoughts on art, nature, society and the universe, plus longer essays on Blake, Seamus Heaney, Aro Paart and much more go to urthonaessays.wordpress.com

A bit more about Urthona (see websites for lots more about our vision and our mission!)

The Blake connection: Urthona magazine takes its name from William Blake’s spirit of the Imagination, Urthona, one of the four Zoas. In his temporal form Los, Urthona is the archetypal blacksmith who labours at his forge to beat out forms which will awaken mankind from spiritual slumber and remind us that this world is ‘all one continued vision of Fancy or Imagination.’

Urthona's Mission: Our focus is mainly on European and American art, literature and music, from Lucian Freud or James Macmillan to Shakespeare and Sophocles. Most of our writers are buddhists but we do interviews and feature the work of anyone whose work is inspired and relevant to modern spiritual seekers. There are also features on Eastern Buddhist art, for example on Japanese poetry. We explore particularly the work of artists and thinkers who are working to bring about cultural renewal by expressing the sacred dimension of the arts in ways which are relevant to the 21st century. We investigate artists and writers from all eras and cultures who, to borrow a phrase from Nietzsche, ‘grope their way along new experiences, open up new tracks’...Urthona is a magazine for those who are interested in the cultivating the imagination as means to self development. We see the arts as tools of spiritual transformation.

How to find us: Urthona is published annually, in late Autumn. It is sold in all larger Triratna centres & by subscription from the website. If you would like to see it at your centre or group please e mail us! Urthona is a 64 page, A4 format, colour magazine, with a stylish design.

Editor: Ratnagarbha
