URTHONA ISSUE 34, the Science Fiction issue, OUT NOW:
LAUNCH EVENING: 16th February 7.30 prompt in Festival Theatre, Cambridge Buddhist Centre.
Don’t miss this unique arts evening of cosmic music, poetry, science fiction, & the dharma! (Don’t worry if you are not an SF fan especially this evening has something for all arts lovers with fine music, poetry and conversation.)
Launch of Urthona Buddhist arts magazine issue 34 on Buddhism and science fiction
Readings by Buddhist poets featured in the magazine
World Premier of a composition for keyboard and 'cello on the theme of the mandala of the Five Buddhas with Yashodaka and his brother on ‘cello.
Reading and conversation with the celebrated Buddhist poet Ananda.
Further information: contact urthonamag@gmail.com
Highlights of the issue:
* Interview with Doyen of British SF, Christopher Priest
* Obituary and interview with Ursula LeGuin
* Philip K. Dick by Dharmavadana
* Arthur C. Clarke and 2001 by Dh. Vijaya
* Olaf Stapledon and Transcendental SF by Dh. Vimokshadaka
Science Fiction at its best can explore regions of human experience that no other kind of literature (apart from perhaps the heroic epic) is capable of doing justice to. The best writers open up these vistas with due regard for the subtleties of human psychology and human frailties. Such writers are moving into the same territory that Buddhists have been exploring for thousands of years. Find out how they did it in this fascinating issue.