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Shumë faleminderit Aryavasin për përkthimet e tij të shumë teksteve bazë Triratna në shqip. Tekstet më poshtë do t’i gjeni në faqen e tij të dedikuar:
By Windhorse Publi... on Wed, 10 May, 2023 - 09:55
We’ll be publishing the next three new volumes in The Complete Works of Sangharakshita in August. In our last newsletter, we kicked off a series of sneak peeks into the new volumes with Volume 8: Beating the Dharma Drum: India Writings II. This week, we invite you to explore Volume 15.
For Sangharakshita, the Dhammapada was ‘a source of inspiration, encouragement, and guidance for well over fifty years. Indeed, I sometimes think that...
One of the Mainland Europe Area Council’s priorities is to investigate how to make Triratna teachings and other spoken word projects in Triratna more available to people who speak other languages than English by means of subtitling. To this end a working group has been set up consisting of delegates from the Area Council, the Translations Board and Development team to the ECA. After some initial exploration we have applied for funding and are looking for a person to initiate...
The Refuges and Precepts in Esperanto, translated and read by Paul Harry Barron. For more languages, please visit the Triratna Translations pages at
Accessing the Dharma in your own language can make a significant difference to a person’s ability to practice. The Triratna Translations Board was set up at the end of 2015 to promote and coordinate translation projects in many languages and have enabled the translations of many Triratna books.
Il Nobile Ottuplice Sentiero è il più conosciuto degli insegnamenti del Buddha. È antico, poiché risale al primo discorso del Buddha, ed è molto apprezzato come un tesoro unico di sapienza e guida pratica su come vivere la nostra vita. Il Nobile Ottuplice Sentiero comincia con una visione, un momento di intuizione, cui segue la trasformazione dei nostri pensieri e delle...
So far there isn’t a single Triratna book in Italian but you can easily change that. Mitra Val Cartei is translating Who is the Buddha? into Italian. She just needs the last £265 to make it happen. (That’s €333 or US$ 354.)
Born and brought up in Italy, Val is a mitra training for ordination in Brighton, UK. She’s a published author in both English and Italian, now working with Triratna’s Translations Board, who say she is enthusiastic, inspired...
Here in Suffolk, UK, days come and go, the rain pours down, the duck family continues to parade around (see previous report), and the Chairs are still meditating, doing puja, chatting, walking and listening to presentations and small groups.
They’ve looked at the work of Triratna’s Translations Board; members of the College and Adhisthana Kula have visited to explain the work they’re doing to address painful aspects of Triratna’s past; and the ECA’s Safeguarding officer, Munisha, has...