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Gift Aid & Tax Deduction. U.S. Dollar donations are tax deductible (Tax ID: 26-3940667).If you are a UK tax payer with a UK postal address, we can reclaim tax on your donation, increasing its value to us with no cost to you. You must have paid tax at least equal to the amount we reclaim on your donation. More information is available here.Monthly gift via standing order: Please get in touch for our UK standing order form.For US bank transfers, please contact us.One-Off gift via post: Payable to ‘Dharmachakra’
The well-known metaphor of ‘a finger pointing at the moon’ is itself a hint at something essential in Dharma practice. It suggests ‘don’t mistake the finger for the moon’. But what is the moon, and what is the finger? The finger could be taken as whatever gets us looking and going in the ‘right’ direction. For...
🧘🏽♀️ 🧘🏽♂️ Seven days of meditation, lively exploration, and strong, supportive friendship: a space to explore why the wisdom of emptiness is, precisely, compassion.
The Heart Sutra is one of the most familiar of all Buddhist texts and, inevitably, there are innumerable takes on ‘what it means’. How do we square the opening statement that the skandhas (our psycho–physical constituents) are ‘empty’ with the following one that ‘in emptiness’ there are no skandhas,...
4 workshops led by Tejananda for experienced meditators 3 years minimum experience required
Saturdays: 20th February and 6th March 1st session (90 mins):IE&UK 09:30 | Europe CET 10:30 | India 15:00 | Australia EST 20.30 | New Zealand 22.30 2nd session (90 mins):USAPST 11:00 | México 13:00 | USAEST 14:00 | IE&UK 19:00 | Europe CET 20:00 | Australia EST...
We hope you have enjoyed Meditating in the Mandala with us this week!
Thank you so much to Tejananda for leading daily sessions, exploring a dynamic, embodied, somatic approach to meditation and Awakening. You can find the recordings of the daily Zoom sessions on the Home Retreat page. You can also find the recordings on this Youtube Playlist.
Please give now, so that we can offer home retreats and other resources to more people like you in the future.
If you haven’t been able to meditate at the live Zoom sessions with Tejananda, then there’s good news. The video recordings of each day are now available on the Home Retreat page! Head over there to check them out.
You can still join the live sessions, today and tomorrow
USA 8am PST | México 10am | USA 11am EST | UK & IE 4pm | Europe 5pm CET
The link to connect to Zoom will be available on The Home Retreat page before the event
What is a mandala? Symbolically, it’s a sacred circle that, if you enter and approach its centre, brings you towards Enlightenment or full Awakening. This week, during our latest home retreat, we will be meditating in the mandala, led by Tejananda, an Order member with over 25 years of teaching practice, as we deepen into our experience and learn to simply be.
Tejananda’s approach is rooted in Triratna’s System of Practice - integration, positive emotion, spiritual death, spiritual rebirth...