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Pointing to the Moon - Led by Tejananda with Advayasiddhi
A home retreat exploring self-view.

Pointing to the Moon, led by Tejananda with Advayasiddhi
A home retreat on working with self-view.

Reserve your place here

Friday 2nd May - Thursday 8th May

The well-known metaphor of ‘a finger pointing at the moon’ is itself a hint at something essential in Dharma practice. It suggests ‘don’t mistake the finger for the moon’.  But what is the moon, and what is the finger? The finger could be taken as whatever gets us looking and going in the ‘right’ direction. For example, the eight ‘right’ perspectives on Dharma practice that the Buddha taught.

But neither these nor any other Dharma practices are ‘right’ (or ‘wise’) if we’re relating to them literally, as ends in themselves. That would be ‘attachment to rules and religious practices’ – believing that it’s enough to do our practices by rote, and losing touch with that to which the practices are pointing us.

What they are pointing us to is ‘waking up’ – bodhi. Waking up from the delusions that give rise to suffering. Bodhi is the ‘moon’ of our true nature, which is always here, even when obscured by clouds.

In this retreat, we’ll focus on the ‘moon’ by addressing a core delusion – that “I am separate”. This is better known as anatta, ‘not-self’, but this core pointing-out on the Buddha’s part isn’t suggesting that we’re somehow non-existent! Rather, it is pointing us back to our essential non-dividedness.

We’ll approach this by first cultivating calm, embodied, aware presence and opening to unconditional love. With that as our ground, we’ll explore our experience directly and interactively, using pointers as to how we create and sustain the delusion of separation and a self-other dichotomy. Seeing through such delusions wakes us up from our self-view and to an essential truth of the Dharma, the ‘moon’ of our undivided nature here and now.

Reserve your place here

Friday 2nd May - Thursday 8th May

First daily session (2 hrs): USA PST 12:00 am midnight | México CST 1:00 am | USA EST 3:00 am | IE & UK 8:00 am | Europe CET 9:00 am | India IST 12:30 pm | Australia AEDT 6:00 pm | New Zealand NZDT 8:00 pm

Second daily session (1.5 hrs): USA PST 7:00 am | México CST 8:00 am | USA EST 10:00 am | IE & UK 3:00 pm | Europe CET 4:00 pm | India IST 7:30 pm | Australia AEDT 1:00 am (next day) | New Zealand NZDT 3:00 am (next day)

Third daily session (1.5 hrs): USA PST 11:00 am | México CST 12:00 pm noon | USA EST 2:00 pm | IE & UK 7:00 pm | Europe CET 8:00 pm | India IST 11:30 pm | Australia AEDT 5:00 am (next day) | New Zealand NZDT 7:00 am (next day)