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Suryavana Retreat Centre
Suryavana Retreat Centre

The Set Up

By Sudaka on Fri, 28 Jul, 2023 - 07:47

The Set Up

By Sudaka on Fri, 28 Jul, 2023 - 07:47

Preparing Suryavana for a large group of Guests. 

The Guest House

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out

Suryavana Retreat Centre
Suryavana Retreat Centre

Bodhiyoga 300 hour Yoga teacher training at Suryavana, a Unique Offer for 2023

By Sudaka on Fri, 21 Apr, 2023 - 14:40

Bodhiyoga 300 hour Yoga teacher training at Suryavana, a Unique Offer for 2023

By Sudaka on Fri, 21 Apr, 2023 - 14:40

Special offer 2023 from Bodhiyoga 

Do you practice yoga?

Do you want to go deeper and understanding the inner work of posture and meditation practice 

Since 2012 we have offered a comprehensive yoga teacher training based on Buddhist mindfulness and functional anatomy informed posture practice 

15 days fully residential In Suryavana Retreat Centre (Near Valencia Spain)

Online preparation Live & Direct at home

Suryavana Retreat Centre
Suryavana Retreat Centre

A room with a view. Yoga retreat with Bodhiyoga at Suryavana Retreat Centre, Spain

By Sudaka on Fri, 21 Apr, 2023 - 14:37

A room with a view. Yoga retreat with Bodhiyoga at Suryavana Retreat Centre, Spain

By Sudaka on Fri, 21 Apr, 2023 - 14:37

For Our forthcoming Yoga Retreat with Sadhita in Suryavana 22-28 June. We are offering singles (£850), doubles (£650) and one of the rooms called “Dana” - Generosity, as dormitory style room (£450) for our forthcoming Yoga retreat at Suryavana. Do join us! Contact Sadhita info@bodhiyoga.es

Suryavana Retreat Centre
Suryavana Retreat Centre

Help us build the "Enlightened Forest" :: Ayudarnos construir el "Bosque iluminado"

By Sudaka on Mon, 21 Dec, 2020 - 06:11

Help us build the "Enlightened Forest" :: Ayudarnos construir el "Bosque iluminado"

By Sudaka on Mon, 21 Dec, 2020 - 06:11


Help us build the “Enlightened Forest”

We are living difficult times, all of us, without a doubt. From the long perspective this is nothing new. “Samsara”, the world we live in is characterized by a mixture of joy and suffering. What can we offer to this world?

What we can do is collaborate, help each other, manifest what we can call “Team Human”, that is, a collaboration between several people contributes much more than a single person alone can do. Suryavana...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Newsbyte: Suryavana Retreat Centre

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 16 Jul, 2018 - 14:15

Newsbyte: Suryavana Retreat Centre

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 16 Jul, 2018 - 14:15

Suryavana is the new retreat Centre for the Valencia Buddhist Centre.  One possible translation of Suryavana is rather apt description ‘the sun’s dwelling place’.  The Valencia Buddhist Centre bought a retreat centre of their own to cater for their gradually expanding retreat programme: increasing from three to four retreats a year to approximately twenty to twenty five retreats annually. 

This Newsbyte explores the importance of going on retreat as a means of coming in touch with yourself, the earth and nature - with...

Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Jorge sings 'Ojala' by Silvio Rodriguez

By Sadayasihi on Sun, 8 Jul, 2018 - 21:27

Jorge sings 'Ojala' by Silvio Rodriguez

By Sadayasihi on Sun, 8 Jul, 2018 - 21:27

A pre-puja singing session at the Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention - Jorge sings ‘Ojala’ by Silvio Rodriguez>

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Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Second Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention takes place in July

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 22 May, 2018 - 13:54

Second Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention takes place in July

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 22 May, 2018 - 13:54

The second Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention will take place in Valencia, Spain from the 6th to 9th July.  After last year’s successful Convention - the first - this year’s MEYBC will be held in the delightful surroundings of Suryavana Retreat Centre, close to Valencia. The theme is ‘The Nature of Inner Peace: Creating Sangha From the Inside’. 

Elena, Estela and Nestor, the organisers of this year’s Convention, have made a short film to invite all people between 18 and 35 within the...