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Tag: seven point mind training

Community Highlights
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Turning Arrows Into Flowers (The Dharma Toolkit Podcast, Episode 26)

By Centre Team on Thu, 14 May, 2020 - 16:17

To mark the start of our Home Retreat on the theme of turning towards difficulties and moving through them well, a great, practical conversation with Yashobodhi about the meditative, reflective work of the Seven-Point Mind Training tradition in Buddhism. 

A mythic image to sum up and symbolize this is that of the Buddha on the cusp of his Enlightenment. He is sitting still at the point when Mara attacks him with all the weapons he can muster. But, as the story...

International Practice Week 2018: 'Turning Arrows Into Flowers'
International Practice Week 2018: 'Turning Arrows Into Flowers'

Triratna International Practice Week 2018 - Guided Tonglen Practice

By Centre Team on Fri, 21 Sep, 2018 - 21:42

Yashobodhi is our guide for this year’s Dharma immersion online and at Triratna Centres around the world as part of the 2018 International Practice Week. 

Here is a short guided tonglen meditation you can use all week to support going deeper with the seven-point mind training work Yashobodhi is exploring. A great, practical way to ground yourself and get an experience of why this kind of practice matters and how it works. 

This meditation is particularly referenced in point 2 when looking at the...

International Practice Week 2018: 'Turning Arrows Into Flowers'
International Practice Week 2018: 'Turning Arrows Into Flowers'

Guide to Taking Part in the International Practice Week

Guide to Taking Part in the International Practice Week

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 17 Sep, 2018 - 22:23

The International Practice Week - an Urban Retreat taking place across the Triratna world - kicks off on Saturday 22nd September. The International Practice Week is a great opportunity for Triratna centres and groups throughout the world to concurrently explore Dharmic themes in their local contexts.  But if your local Triratna Centre or group  is not taking part, you can still join in online!

The theme for the week is ‘turning arrows into flowers’ - exploring how...

International Practice Week 2018: 'Turning Arrows Into Flowers'
International Practice Week 2018: 'Turning Arrows Into Flowers'

Yashobodhi - Turning Arrows Into Flowers: Seven-point Mind Training (Audio Edition)

By Centre Team on Fri, 14 Sep, 2018 - 09:05

Join the Triratna International Practice Week 2018, our Urban Retreat you can take part in on your own time with others around the world!

The dates are 22-29 September 2018 - check out our dedicated web space for details of how to get involved at your local Centre or online – and to watch the series of talks given by Yashobodhi.

Download a Guide to Joining the International Practice Week Online

The image to...

International Practice Week 2018: 'Turning Arrows Into Flowers'
International Practice Week 2018: 'Turning Arrows Into Flowers'

Resources for International Practice Week: 22-29 September

By aparajita on Wed, 12 Sep, 2018 - 12:02

Turning Arrows Into Flowers

This world-wide international practice week is based on the image of the Buddha on the cusp of his Enlightenment, at the point when Mara attacks him with all he’s got - but the Buddha does not react with anger, hatred, defensiveness but instead sits in complete peace and openness: the arrows, abuse & weapons hurled at him drift down around him as harmless flower petals.

In essence, the message to be communicated is: this is what we need to...

International Practice Week 2018: 'Turning Arrows Into Flowers'
International Practice Week 2018: 'Turning Arrows Into Flowers'

More information on the International Practice Week 22-29 Sept 2018

By Mokshini on Thu, 12 Jul, 2018 - 09:59

International Urban Retreat   22-29 September 2018   “Turning Arrows Into Flowers”

The proposal for this international practice week is to make this a world-wide practice week, including all  Centres and Triratna Practice Groups wherever they are – the theme was inspired by Subhuti’s teaching on the 2017 order retreat at Bodhgaya.

The image to sum up and symbolize the theme of this urban retreat: the Buddha on the cusp of his Enlightenment, at the point when Mara attacks him with all he’s got …… but...

International Practice Week 2018: 'Turning Arrows Into Flowers'
International Practice Week 2018: 'Turning Arrows Into Flowers'

Eight Verses for Training the Mind

By Mokshini on Wed, 4 Jul, 2018 - 14:45

The short talks given that Yashobodhi is preparing for the International Practice Week are based on an exploration of the Seven Point Mind Training. However, over the course of 2018 there have been several occasions where the EIGHT Mind Training verses have been studied (at the International Council at Bodh Gaya for example, and at the July European chairs assembly) - so here are two sheets: 

One with the Eight Mind Training Verses by Geshe Langri Thankpa, and the other sheet...