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Dharmabyte: Going Beyond Ourselves

By Zac on Wed, 27 Jul, 2022 - 06:00

Friendship in the Spiritual Life

Sudrishti celebrates sangha, community, spiritual friendship with this talk on Kalyana Mitrata. Enlightened beings exemplify unconditional, unlimited love – something we as unenlightened beings can emulate and draw inspiration from to transform our relationships, self and world.

Excerpted from the talk The Good Friend given on Buddha Day at Sydney Buddhist Centre, 2017.


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Dharmabyte: Community Sangha is Vital

By Zac on Mon, 25 Jul, 2022 - 06:00

Going Beyond Duality

How do we go beyond the duality of subject and object, self and other, to experience the true nature of reality? Jnanavaca shares how the practice of sangha is vital in making spiritual progress.

From the talk What Is Sangha & Kalyana Mitrata? Given at London Buddhist Centre as part of the series The Bi-Tendential Value of Being & The Greater Mandala, 2019.


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Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: The Jewel in the Lotus

By Zac on Sat, 25 Jun, 2022 - 06:00

Sraddhagita explores in a quietly effective, down-to-earth way one of the great central images of Mahayana Buddhism, usually associated with the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara.

This talk was given at the London Buddhist Centre, 2007.

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Dharmabytes: Our Mind Is Like A Great Ghost

By Zac on Mon, 20 Jun, 2022 - 06:00

Thoughts are like ghosts that haunt the mind, those thoughts become speech that become actions. Most of the terrible things that have happened in the world have had to do with views and ideologies spreading like a virus through a culture, driving a culture mad. Maitreyabandhu reminds us that Buddhism says again and again, what you think and what you do matters. Everything you do matters. 
Excerpted from the Triratna Day talk ...

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Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: What the World Needs Now - Triratna's Gift

By Zac on Sat, 18 Jun, 2022 - 06:00

Mind is the most remarkable thing in the universe, it is the greatest treasure. We’re still discovering the mysteries of the human mind. Buddhism says again and again, what you think and what you do matters. Everything you do matters.

Live from Buddhistisches Tor Berlin, Maitreyabandhu unfolds the theme of What the World Needs Now on a day celebrating our Dharma community’s contribution to the world. Triratna Day, April, 2022.


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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: What's Calling?

By Zac on Mon, 13 Jun, 2022 - 06:00

Atula, a long-time practicing Buddhist and psychotherapist, offers stimulating words around the role of myth, metaphor and all our ways of cognizing, thinking about and expressing experience in what we call ‘spiritual life’ – and a clear encouragement to see that process as one that is profoundly relational. 

In this excerpt we hear about the tendency to polarize and project onto others. From the talk Mending the Broken Ladder, London...

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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Keep The Doors Open To All Beings

By Zac on Thu, 2 Jun, 2022 - 06:00

By keeping our heart open, we communicate our values to all beings, offering an opportunity to break down polarisation in our world. Parami  reminds us that a bodhisattva creates the conditions where all beings can see through the causes of conditions and therefore create the conditions for future happiness.

Excerpted from the talk After the Enlightenment: Breaking Through to Freedom given on Buddha Day at North London Buddhist Centre, May...

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Dharmabyte: Rooted In Compassion

By Zac on Mon, 30 May, 2022 - 06:00

Dhivan brings us face to face with the rich and moving legacy of a brilliant and truly compassionate individual, changing the world he took part in, stepping out of history “with the walk of a lion, the walk of a swan.”

From the talk What Do We Really Know About the Buddha? given at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, 2008


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FBA Podcast: The Star Of Healing

By Zac on Sat, 28 May, 2022 - 06:00

In a talk for Buddha day, Ratnaprabha takes us through the realisations that came to the Buddha during his all night meditation under the Bodhi tree, culminating in the vision of the morning star, the Star of Healing. Its light was the first sight of the Awakened One, a light symbolising the illumination of awareness itself.

Talk given at the West London Buddhist Centre, 2014.


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Dharmabyte: Full Illumination Arose

By Zac on Thu, 26 May, 2022 - 06:00

Sangharakshita describes the moment of the Buddha’s Enlightenment. 

From the talk Who is the Buddha?, part of the series Introducing the Three Jewels of Buddhism, 1968.


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