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Urgyen House has released a new video blog now available on their website. This is the seventeenth video in a unique series which aims to bring Bhante (Sangharakshita) to mind by exploring objects and archives in Urgyen House.
In this latest video Dharmachari Mahamati considers Urgyen Sangharakshita’s deep spiritual connection with Manjughosha through images of Manjughosha at Urgyen House and Sangharakshita’s own words.
Urgyen House is the responsibility of the Urgyen Sangharakshita Trust which...
Sthanashraddha is Bhante’s secretary. He writes from Adhisthana, UK:
“As we come to the end of May, Adhisthana has become quite steamy. What with the hot summery weather and then the last few days of heavy showers and thunderstorms the air is humid and the hills have disappeared in a white haze of moisture. Having said all that, it’s been a glorious time for the gardens and gardening. Many new plants have gone in and now they...
This heartwarming Newsbyte video from Clear Vision trust documents a day held at Croydon Buddhist Centre, UK, to dedicate its beautiful shrine room.
On Saturday 13th May, I joined Sanghadhara (Clear Vision) to cover the event. We were both struck by the sheer number of well-wishers there and the evident friendship they had with each other. Some had travelled from afar and others who could not make it had sent in messages of encouragement. Some were no longer based at the Centre,...
*UPDATE: Watch live online!* You can watch a live stream on Periscope of proceedings! To join the live stream, simply visit The Buddhist Centre’s Twitter page. When the event is about to begin, we’ll post the link there. Just click the link and you’ll have a choice to watch live in your browser, in your Twitter app or on Periscope. If you’re a Periscope user you’ll also be able to make comments on the stream as the event progresses!
By Windhorse Evolution on Fri, 17 Oct, 2014 - 11:31As part of our 100 Days of Ethical Giving Campaign, we want to reconnect with the whole of the Triratna sangha. You may have heard of Evolution before, but if you do not have one of our shops locally, you may be curious about what we actually do!
Evolution started in 1980 as a market stall. The aim – which continues today – was to raise money for the movement. We’ve put together a short...
By suvannamani on Fri, 23 May, 2014 - 00:43The team here at Adhisthana get ready for the Triratna International Retreat 2014. Moving the Buddha into the great shrine marquee!
By Munisha on Sat, 3 Aug, 2013 - 18:59Order members worldwide were invited to send very small Buddha rupas to be offered in today’s dedication ceremony. You can see them all here on the shrine designed by Vidyatara using very authentic local building materials! Bhante’s rupa is the tiny one in the large Buddha’s lap.