Windhorse Evolution
Windhorse Evolution
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Five Things About Evolution
As part of our 100 Days of Ethical Giving Campaign, we want to reconnect with the whole of the Triratna sangha. You may have heard of Evolution before, but if you do not have one of our shops locally, you may be curious about what we actually do!

Evolution started in 1980 as a market stall. The aim – which continues today – was to raise money for the movement. We’ve put together a short list of five things you may not know about Evolution.

1) We now have twenty shops across the country, from Leeds to Brighton and Norwich to Bristol..and not forgetting our Dublin store!
2) We do our best to operate in an environmentally sensitive way, for example, choosing to ship goods by sea, rather than by air - see more.
3) Any money not reinvested in the business is donated to Triratna projects or social projects based in countries we trade with.
4) One of our perennial bestsellers is Nag Champa incense!
5) Over the years, as a business, we have generated over £5 million for Triratna projects – the 100 Days campaign is part of our efforts to generate profits we can give away again.

We hope you will join our campaign and discover more about Evolution at