Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

New Podcast: Happiness and Transformation

By Candradasa on Mon, 19 Aug, 2024 - 14:00

Prayer to Manjushri, Bodhisattva of Wisdom
May all beings experience happiness and its causes
Be free from suffering and its causes,
Never be parted from happiness
And dwell in the condition of equanimity

Ever since his introduction to Buddhism in 1976, Mahamati has been attracted to collective, collaborative contexts. He was, from the start, delighted to find a group of people with whom he could live his whole life, practising and working together with a vision for the transformation...

Triratna Young Buddhists
Buddhist Centre Features

Prajnaketu & Subhadramati - Encouraging Young People on the Path

By Candradasa on Mon, 20 Jan, 2020 - 23:12

Here are two wonderfully passionate members of the Order talking across generations about the need to open up effective pathways of commitment for young people as they connect and engage with the possibilities in a Buddhist life. 

Subhadramati has pioneered such pathways for women for many years at the London Buddhist Centre, one of the biggest Centres in Europe. She discusses her plans for 2020 to start a women’s community in London where she and a few experienced friends will share a...