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Tag: Pan-American 2023

Community Highlights
Free Buddhist Audio

In the Service of the Dharma | Al servicio del Dharma

By dayaketu on Thu, 2 Nov, 2023 - 19:03

In the Service of the Dharma | Al servicio del Dharma

By dayaketu on Thu, 2 Nov, 2023 - 19:03

Talk given in English with Spanish translation by Upekshamati. | Charla impartida en Inglés con traducción al Español por Upekshamati.

Nagapriya gives a greatly insightful talk on how a sense of Dharma service is critical to the collective project of manifesting the Bodhichitta (‘the wish from Mahayana Buddhism for all beings to see and live according to the true nature of reality and free themselves...

Community Highlights
Free Buddhist Audio

Conditions for the Arising of the Bodhichitta in Dharma Life

By Candradasa on Sat, 28 Oct, 2023 - 04:02

Conditions for the Arising of the Bodhichitta in Dharma Life

By Candradasa on Sat, 28 Oct, 2023 - 04:02

Talk given in English with Spanish translation by Saddhajoti. | Charla impartida en inglés con traducción al español por Saddhajoti.

As part of a series on Vasubandhu’s Four Factors at the 2023 Pan-American Convention, Ashokashri skillfully weaves into episodes of her life story the principles of the Dharma as they relate to the arising of the Bodhichitta (the transformative wish in Mahayana Buddhism for all...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Reflecting on Vasubandhu's Four Factors in Relation | Reflexión sobre los cuatro factores de relación de Vasubandhu

By Candradasa on Fri, 27 Oct, 2023 - 16:38

Reflecting on Vasubandhu's Four Factors in Relation | Reflexión sobre los cuatro factores de relación de Vasubandhu

By Candradasa on Fri, 27 Oct, 2023 - 16:38

Talk given in English with Spanish translation by Bodhikamala. | Charla impartida en inglés con traducción al español por Bodhikamala.

In this deeply reflective talk, Jnanadhara delves further into Vasubandhu’s Four Factors essential for the awakening of the Bodhi heart, focussing particularly on each of the factors in relation to the others. In doing so, he emphasizes that Enlightenment is possible, reminding us that...

Community Highlights
Free Buddhist Audio

La práctica del Dharma como una condición para el surgimiento del Bodhichitta | Dharma Practice As a Condition for the Arising of the Bodhichitta

By Candradasa on Thu, 26 Oct, 2023 - 04:50

La práctica del Dharma como una condición para el surgimiento del Bodhichitta | Dharma Practice As a Condition for the Arising of the Bodhichitta

By Candradasa on Thu, 26 Oct, 2023 - 04:50

Charla impartida en español con traducción al inglés por Nagapriya. | Talk given in Spanish with English translation by Nagapriya.

As part of the series on Vasubandhu’s Four Factors at the 2023 Pan-American Convention, Saddhajoti delivers a hugely insightful talk on Dharma practice as a precursor to the emergence of the Bodhichitta. She illustrates how the Dharma transforms our worldview and shifts our focus outward...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Una Explosión del Corazón | An Explosion of the Heart

By Candradasa on Wed, 25 Oct, 2023 - 04:46

Una Explosión del Corazón | An Explosion of the Heart

By Candradasa on Wed, 25 Oct, 2023 - 04:46

Talk given in Spanish with English translation by Ananta.

Exploring Sangharakshita’s foundational talks - ‘The Awakening of the Bodhi Heart’ and ‘The Meaning of Conversion in Buddhism’ - Virasiddhi opens the 2023 Triratna Pan-American Order Convention by looking at how we can help bring about among us the arising of the Bodhichitta (’the deep, heart wish for all beings to awaken to the...