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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Practice During Times of Chaos and Uncertainty

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 27 Jul, 2019 - 14:00

Partisan politics, hurricanes and earthquakes, mass shootings, nuclear threats … our world at times feels like a living nightmare. How do we as Buddhists respond, individually and as a sangha? And how do we keep our sanity?

“Practice During Times of Chaos and Uncertainty” given by Sunada on Sangha Day at Aryaloka Buddhist Center, Newmarket, NH, November 2017.

Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast - bite-sized inspiration three times every week! (Apple Podcasts)

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Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

Meditate in the Park for Peace on June 26th

By Mokshini on Fri, 22 Apr, 2016 - 16:00

Meditate in the Park for Peace - 26 June 2016 in your local park

for Nuclear Disarmament & for  Investment in Renewables and Green Jobs

Why now?

In 2016, parliament will vote whether to replace and modernise the UK’s nuclear weapons system called Trident. It’s made up of four submarines – one of which is on patrol at all times - carrying up to 40 nuclear warheads on board. Each of these warheads is eight times more powerful than the atomic bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima.

Why Triratna?

In his...

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