Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016
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Meditate in the Park for Peace on June 26th

Meditate in the Park for Peace - 26 June 2016 in your local park

for Nuclear Disarmament & for  Investment in Renewables and Green Jobs

Why now?

In 2016, parliament will vote whether to replace and modernise the UK's nuclear weapons system called Trident. It's made up of four submarines – one of which is on patrol at all times - carrying up to 40 nuclear warheads on board. Each of these warheads is eight times more powerful than the atomic bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima.

Why Triratna?

In his talk on Buddhism, World Peace, and Nuclear War Sangharakshita said: “Full-scale nuclear war means fire-storms and `black rain'. It means the destruction of the ecosphere. It means the death of the earth. It means the suicide of humanity.”

Because the issue is so serious, he calls on us to act:

“Pressure can also be brought to bear by the persistent lobbying of members of parliament, by the presentation of petitions, by public meetings, marches, and demonstrations, by fasts and solemn vigils - even by `love-ins' and `be-ins'. By these and similar means the government should be left in no doubt as to what the wishes of the electorate really are. If it remains unresponsive to those wishes, or not sufficiently responsive - and the situation is one of extreme urgency, where every day is precious - then more serious measures should be taken and pressure brought to bear on the government by means of mass civil disobedience along Gandhian lines.”

For more extracts and suggestions for actions & tools see the sheet attached 

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