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Tag: New Name Celebration

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabytes: Still Friends - New Name

By Zac on Tue, 4 Apr, 2023 - 18:00

With humour and engaging personal stories, Padmavajra speaks to the moment in our collective history when Bhante Sangharakshita changed the name of our community from Friends of the Western Buddhist Order to Triratna Buddhist Community.

Excerpted from the short talk Changing Our Name to Triratna Buddhist Community given at the Triratna International Retreat, May 2010.


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Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center
Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center

Dhammacharini Ordination 17th Dec 17 - Name Announcement Part 2

By Saddhammapradip on Mon, 18 Dec, 2017 - 06:02

Dhammacharini Ordination 17th Dec 17 - Name Announcement Part 2

By Saddhammapradip on Mon, 18 Dec, 2017 - 06:02

New Dhammacharini Name announcement by Dhni. Jnanasuri and Dhni. Vijaya.

Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center
Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center

Dhammacharini Ordination 17th Dec 17 - Name Announcement Part 1

By Saddhammapradip on Mon, 18 Dec, 2017 - 05:57

Dhammacharini Ordination 17th Dec 17 - Name Announcement Part 1

By Saddhammapradip on Mon, 18 Dec, 2017 - 05:57

Name Announcement Part 1 : Dhni. Suprabha, Dhni. Shubhajaya, Dhni. Jayamani and Dhni. Karunamaya announcing the name of New Dhammacharini.