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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Forever Friends (The Buddhist Centre Podcast, Episode 437)

By Centre Team on Fri, 10 Feb, 2023 - 21:39

A real beauty of a ‘lost’ episode from our archives! Recorded in a very lovely garden in Mexico in 2019, with nature sounds all around, Bodhikamala and Sanghadhara, who’ve been soul mates of a sort since before the age of 10, explore with us their long history of friendship as young people. A shared love of the arts, of musicals, and Harry Potter brought them together in summer camp and, eventually, led them to explore Buddhism together. Now as ordained...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Buddhist Voices Podcast: Amarapushpa and Chandrasiddhi - Finding a Practical Sense of Wholeness

By Centre Team on Fri, 17 Sep, 2021 - 21:53

I had been looking for so long.  And then I saw my first woman Order Member. And that was like the ‘fourth sight’… that inspired me to go for refuge. (Amarapushpa)

It’s not something that has to do with ideas and concepts… It’s about more practical wholeness, with your heart. (Chandrasiddhi)

Grabación en inglés y español | Recording in English and Spanish


After a long hiatus, the Fifty Years, Fifty Voices project is back! We’re picking up where we left off before the pandemic,...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Las Venezolanas (en Español)

By parami on Thu, 27 Apr, 2017 - 17:06

Una  conversación de Parami con un maravillosos grupo de mujeres Venezolanas Mitras de la Comunidad Budista Triratna, hablando de la importancia de la practica del Dharma en un país donde hay una enorme turbulencia política y económica.

Su respuesta es clara: en época de guerra lo que la gente necesita  es paz y compasión  y esto es precisamente lo que el dharma ofrece. Una evocación conmovedora y urgente desde una perspectiva vital.

Grabado en Mexico, Abril 2017

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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Buddhist Voices From Mexico - Upeksamati On How To Start A Buddhist Centre

By Candradasa on Thu, 20 Apr, 2017 - 16:52

Continuing our series of in-depth conversations with Buddhists in Mexico, here is the irrepressible Upeksamati: Dharma pioneer in his homeland and founder of the Mexico City Buddhist Center. 

We hear of his own Buddhist training in England in the 1980s and ’90s and how that influenced his approach to bringing what he learned back home again. We get, in effect, a crash course in the essentials of starting a new Buddhist Center - at scale, and with ambition!

Always engaging, always in love with...