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Buddhist Voices From Mexico - Upeksamati On How To Start A Buddhist Centre

Continuing our series of in-depth conversations with Buddhists in Mexico, here is the irrepressible Upeksamati: Dharma pioneer in his homeland and founder of the Mexico City Buddhist Center. 

We hear of his own Buddhist training in England in the 1980s and '90s and how that influenced his approach to bringing what he learned back home again. We get, in effect, a crash course in the essentials of starting a new Buddhist Center - at scale, and with ambition!

Always engaging, always in love with the Dharma and with Triratna, Upeksamati's clear delight is infectious. An inspiring meeting with someone who has spent 20+ years carrying the Buddha's teachings in his own culture with intelligence, creativity, and considerable success.

Recorded at Chintamani Retreat Center, Mexico.

Listen to a conversation with Aurea and family in Mexico City

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