Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Training In A System of Buddhist Practice

By Candradasa on Wed, 1 Jun, 2016 - 18:34

Dhammamegha recently interviewed Dhammarati for the Triratna International Council about an emerging project around the system of training in Triratna. It goes by the name of Sikkha (with a long a), which is a Pali word meaning ‘spiritual training’. It is about deepening our understanding of what and how we practice and teach within the Triratna community, and developing an explicit shared framework to talk about it. 

Here, Dhammarati reflects on what is essential in Buddhist practice: a growth of awareness which leads to positive and rich emotion...

Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

Dhammarati on Sikkha - a new project to review and develop training in the system of practice

By dhammamegha on Mon, 30 May, 2016 - 18:24

I recently interviewed Dhammarati about an emerging project about the system of training in Triratna. It goes by the name of Sikkha (with a long a), which is a Pali word meaning ‘spiritual training’. It is about deepening our understanding of what and how we practice and teach within the Triratna community, and developing an explicit shared framework to talk about it. 

Here, Dhammarati reflects on what is essential in Buddhist practice: a growth of awareness which leads to positive and rich emotion and a move away...

Online Meditators
Online Meditators

Tuesday Meditations for the New Season - Spring 2016

By Candradasa on Mon, 23 May, 2016 - 20:36

Tuesday Meditations for the New Season - Spring 2016

By Candradasa on Mon, 23 May, 2016 - 20:36

We’re just starting a new series of Tuesday sits for experienced meditators. If you want to join our regular band of lovely friends from all around the world, come and connect!

Tuesdays, 2.30pm EST / 7.30pm UK

How to connect
Add us to your circles on Google + and join the Hangout. We’ll be online 10 minutes before and we’ll sit for about 40 minutes, with an introduction and space for optional discussion afterwards. 

This class - like all...

Portsmouth Buddhist Center
Portsmouth Buddhist Center

Sunday Meditation and Community Gatherings

By viriyalila on Fri, 13 May, 2016 - 01:00

Sunday Meditation and Community Gatherings

By viriyalila on Fri, 13 May, 2016 - 01:00

This summer (2016) join us on Sundays, 10 am-12 pm, for meditation and lively discussion of the book “The Journey and the Guide.” Basic meditation instruction provided for beginners. All are welcome! Offered by donation. 

“Building on the success of Life with Full Attention, Maitreyabandhu offers a profoundly useful work on how to practice Buddhism in everyday life. Using examples from the life of the Buddha, Maitreyabandhu provides an easily understood outline of the spiritual life of Buddhists in...

Shrewsbury Triratna Buddhist Centre
Shrewsbury Triratna Buddhist Centre

Shrewsbury Centre newsletter for May 2016

By akasharaja on Thu, 5 May, 2016 - 12:05

Shrewsbury Centre newsletter for May 2016

By akasharaja on Thu, 5 May, 2016 - 12:05

Here are all the latest happenings in the Shrewsbury Triratna world

Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center
Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center

Women GFR Retreat

By Saddhammapradip on Wed, 27 Apr, 2016 - 04:46

Women GFR Retreat

By Saddhammapradip on Wed, 27 Apr, 2016 - 04:46

From 21st to 27th Apr 16 Women GFR Retreat Attended by 8 mitra and 5 Dhammacharini. Meditating in shrine above dinning hall in evening light of 5 to 6 pm meditation session..

Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

Meditate in the Park for Peace on June 26th

By mokshini on Fri, 22 Apr, 2016 - 16:00

Meditate in the Park for Peace - 26 June 2016 in your local park

for Nuclear Disarmament & for  Investment in Renewables and Green Jobs

Why now?

In 2016, parliament will vote whether to replace and modernise the UK’s nuclear weapons system called Trident. It’s made up of four submarines – one of which is on patrol at all times - carrying up to 40 nuclear warheads on board. Each of these warheads is eight times more powerful than the atomic bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima.

Why Triratna?

In his...

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Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Dhammarati on Sabbatical, Solitary Retreat, and the International Council

By dhammamegha on Wed, 23 Mar, 2016 - 20:44

Dhammarati - in conversation here with Dhammamegha - is one of the most experienced members of the Triratna College of Public Preceptors having chaired it for over ten years. Here he talks about his long sabbatical after leaving that job - a rich, deep time that encompassed post-Impressionist galleries in New York and lengthy solitary retreats in California and in Wales.

We hear about his personal study and his practical exploration of the Triratna system of practice and...

Triratna East Surrey
Triratna East Surrey

Meditation, Tea Ceremony and Introduction to Bonsai Art

By Padmapriya on Sat, 19 Mar, 2016 - 08:16

Meditation, Tea Ceremony and Introduction to Bonsai Art

By Padmapriya on Sat, 19 Mar, 2016 - 08:16

Buddhists down the millennia have always found ways to bring there practise into daily life and there daily life into there practise. We will spend a day looking and experiencing two iconic ways which have been elevated to both a high art and express the deepest spiritual values of both Buddhist and Taoist traditions.

Both Bonsai (the art of ornamental and miniature trees) and the Tea ceremony have played a significant roll in Buddhist practise. The tea ceremony exemplifies Mindfulness, Bonsai expresses...
