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Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

The Journey and the Guide - Teachers' Notes

By Nandavajra on Fri, 2 Jun, 2017 - 15:31

‘The Journey and the Guide’ teacher’s notes

These very helpful notes, compiled by Maitreyabandhu, are a guide for people running an eight week course based on his excellent book ‘The Journey and the Guide’

Get more resources for this course at the Sikkha project

File NameSize
Journey and Guide teachers notes278.69 KB
College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Satyaraja and Maitreyabandhu on developments in the Guhyaloka ordination course

By Saccanama on Fri, 11 Mar, 2016 - 13:46

Satyaraja and Maitreyabandhu led the 4-month ordination course for men at Guhyaloka last year and began a 3-year process of implementing changes to the course. Here they explain some of their reasons for these developments.

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Maitreyabandhu - Poetry and Receptivity

By Candradasa on Tue, 24 Nov, 2015 - 18:47

Maitreyabandhu - Poetry and Receptivity

By Candradasa on Tue, 24 Nov, 2015 - 18:47

It’s not too late to join the Urban Retreat! 

A lovely short talk by Maitreyabandhu, illuminating why poetry is itself an act of receptivity and requires that of us as readers and, in the context of an Urban Retreat, Buddhist practitioners. Taking as his source Kay Ryan’s poem ‘The Niagara River’ we get a simple but encouraging close reading of how poetry can help us slow down, take things in, and really...

North London Buddhist Centre
North London Buddhist Centre

Book launch by Maitreyabandhu

By akasapriya on Wed, 30 Sep, 2015 - 14:15

Maitreyabandhu launched two new books at the North London Buddhist Centre: The Journey and the Guide; and Yarn, a new collection of poems. In conversation with Visuddhimati, he discussed his life, his writing, and stressed the importance of making time to do nothing.

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Maitreyabandhu - the new boy

By Vidyatara on Wed, 11 Jun, 2014 - 13:05

Maitreyabandhu - the new boy

By Vidyatara on Wed, 11 Jun, 2014 - 13:05This is the second interview in our series introducing the members of the Preceptors’ College:

Maitreyabandhu from the London Buddhist Centre is Triratna’s newest Public Preceptor. Here he talks about why he joined the College, three people he’d invite to a dinner party and what makes him happy.
