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Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

Dharma Teaching - Level 3 - The Journey and The Guide/Maitreyabandhu

By Mokshini on Wed, 21 Feb, 2018 - 17:56

To get a sense of how this course works it may be best to read the document   tjtg_teachers_overview_week_one.docx first  - written by Maitreyabandhu it gives an introduction to the course 

File NameSize
jg_week_one_overview_v2.pdf126.79 KB
jg_week_2_-_mandala_of_integration_v1.pdf277.44 KB
jg_week_3_positive_emotion_v1.pdf220.02 KB
jg_week_4_positive_emotion_v1.pdf279.69 KB
jg_week_5_review_of_integration_positive_emotion_v1.pdf311.83 KB
jg_week_6_spiritual_death_v1.pdf226.52 KB
jg_week_7_spiritual_death_v1.pdf220.96 KB
jg_week_8_spiritual_rebirth_v1.pdf222.02 KB
jg_week_9_spiritual_rebirth_part_2_v1.pdf180.32 KB
jg_week_one_overview_v1.pdf118.56 KB
continuing_the_journey.docx106.22 KB
continuing_the_practice_-_postcards.docx50.85 KB
the_five_reflections.docx59.82 KB
the_guest_house_by_rumi.docx67.51 KB
the_ideal.docx47.84 KB
week_7_spiritual_rebirth.docx156.49 KB
week_eight_spiritual_rebirth_notes_v1.docx133.93 KB
week_nine_summary.docx119.57 KB
the_more_loving_one.docx79.02 KB
tjtg_teachers_overview_week_one.docx122.95 KB
tjtg_week_one_handout_one_v1.docx95.78 KB
tjtg_week_one_handout_two_v1.docx95.21 KB
tjtg_week_one_home_practice_v1.docx72.69 KB
tjtg_week_two_flipchart_v1.docx44.84 KB
tjtg_week_two_home_practice_v1.docx69.78 KB
tjtg_week_3_home_practice_.docx64.33 KB
tjtg_week_three_flipchart_v1.docx49.74 KB
tjtg_week_three_home_practice_v1.docx65.11 KB
tjtg_week_four_flipchart_v1.docx64.19 KB
tjtg_week_four_home_practice_v1.docx75.71 KB
tjtg_week_five_flipchart_v1.docx92.2 KB
tjtg_week_five_home_practice_v1.docx80.69 KB
tjtg_week_six_flipchart_v1.docx47.48 KB
tjtg_week_six_a_recap_on_terms_flipchart_v1.docx59.55 KB
tjtg_week_seven_flipchart_v1.docx60.26 KB
tjtg_week_seven_home_practice_v1.docx87.16 KB
tjtg_week_eight_flipchart_v1.docx67.19 KB
tjtg_week_eight_home_practice_v1.docx84.39 KB
tjtg_week_nine_flipchart_v1.docx67.15 KB
tjtg_teachers_notes7final.pdf278.69 KB
Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

The Journey and the Guide - Teachers' Notes

By Nandavajra on Fri, 2 Jun, 2017 - 15:31

‘The Journey and the Guide’ teacher’s notes

These very helpful notes, compiled by Maitreyabandhu, are a guide for people running an eight week course based on his excellent book ‘The Journey and the Guide’

Get more resources for this course at the Sikkha project

File NameSize
Journey and Guide teachers notes278.69 KB
Dharmagiri Retreatcenter
Dharmagiri Retreatcenter

Mindfulness and the illumined imagination

By Viryabodhi on Mon, 3 Sep, 2012 - 21:47

retreat med Maitreyabandhu
9 – 13 March 2011
Dharmagiri retreatcenter

Här är ljudfilerna till Maitreyabandhus föredrag på retreaten. Tack till Johan (Bodhisakta) för den första, om Honeyball-suttan och naturen. 

1. Mindfulness and Nature

2. Imagination and the aesthetic

3. Questions and answers – the aesthetic dimension

4. Mindfulness and imagining the Truth

5. Mindfulness and the...