Ordinations at Padmaloka
The following men had their public ordination on Saturday 30th September at Padmaloka
Public Preceptor Surata:
Terry Diffey becomes Prasannamanas
Name meaning: He whose mind is clear
Private Preceptor: Yashodeva
Public Preceptor Satyaraja:
Lindsay Robertson becomes Akashavajra (long first and second a)
Name meaning: He who has the qualities of both diamond and sky
Private Preceptor: Suriyavamsa
Les Robertson becomes Shantivajra (long first a)
Name meaning: Diamond thunderbolt of peace
Private Preceptor: Suriyavamsa
Public Preceptor Maitreyabandhu:
Kelvin Heron becomes Shuddhavasin (long second a)
Name meaning: He who abides in purity
Private Preceptor: Dharmadipa
Mark Wade becomes Dhammakumara (long third a)
Name meaning: Prince of the Dhamma
Private Preceptor: Srikirti
Ordinations at Padmaloka September 2017