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Community Highlights

The London Buddhist, No. 2 - The 'Views' Issue

The London Buddhist, No. 2 - The 'Views' Issue

By Candradasa on Tue, 2 Dec, 2014 - 17:00The spring 2015 issue of the London Buddhist Centre’s new combined magazine and program is out now. It’s got some great, in-depth articles about why ‘views’ matter in a Buddhist life…

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Views Matter
2 Editorial
3 The Religion of the Elite -...
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

The London Buddhist, No.1 - The 'Dharmic Receptivity' Issue

The London Buddhist, No.1 - The 'Dharmic Receptivity' Issue

By Candradasa on Wed, 20 Aug, 2014 - 16:58The first edition of a new Buddhist magazine from London!

We start with poet Michael Symmons Roberts talking about the sacred nature of things and what we are drawn towards.

Continuing the literary theme, Ollie Brock reviews the book ‘The Science Delusion’, which explores the nature of belief and science’s role in it.

Satyadasa launches into the relationship between inner mind and outer world, and explores the relationship between the environment and the mind, shedding light into...
London Buddhist Centre
London Buddhist Centre

Autumn Magazine & Programme

By Singhamanas on Thu, 31 Jul, 2014 - 17:42
The magazine starts with the poet Michael Symmons Roberts talking about the sacred nature of things and what we are drawn towards. Subhadramati offers one of her own poems which gives a glimpse into her world. Continuing the literature theme, Ollie Brock has reviewed the book The Science Delusion which explores the nature of belief and sciences role in that. On another subject, Satyadasa launches into the relationship between the inner mind and the outer world and explores the area...
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