"We’re delighted to announce a new magazine from the London Buddhist Centre, UK, publishing short essays, interviews and reviews by practising Buddhists. We are keen to use this publication to explore questions of social, political and cultural importance.
The current issue weighs up matters from ecology to death, via poetry, ‘scientism’ and solitude; subsequent issues will have a similar range. The magazine is intended to be read by anyone.
The London Buddhist Centre is primarily a place for teaching meditation and Buddhism, but it is also a cultural and social hub running a wide variety of activities. We provide the conditions for living a dynamic and engaged spiritual life orientated towards deeper meaning and fulfilment. This means that as well as meditation classes and Buddhist talks and study groups, we put on poetry, film, arts events, fairs and festivals; many of us live and work together; all this in a strong atmosphere of friendship. We hope this magazine reflects the breadth of that vision.
This first issue doubles as the Centre's autumn programme. It's available in printed form at the London Buddhist Centre but you can get it right here as a PDF download.
Future issues will also be readable on a new blog, offering readers the chance to share and comment on articles. In time, the magazine may be separated from our programme to become a publication in its own right.
I would like to thank all the contributors who have helped bring about this first issue into being. May it be a source of interest and inspiration to many."
Download the magazine.