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Within its pages lies the compelling story of Bhikkhuni Dhammananda, Thailand’s first fully ordained Theravada Buddhist nun, a figure of resilience, and an emblem of spiritual dedication.
Why read This Fresh Existence?
Inspiring journey: The book chronicles the life of Venerable Dhammananda, documenting her transition from a scholar and mother to becoming the first Thai woman to receive full bhikkhuni ordination in the Theravada...
By Windhorse Publi... on Fri, 18 Jun, 2021 - 13:00
As a female student and practitioner of Buddhism, at times I feel frustrated by the underrepresentation of women in Buddhist texts and iconography. To give just one example, out of the forty-six figures on Triratna’s refuge tree, only two are female. Frustrated I may be, but I probably shouldn’t be surprised. As author Alice Collett points out in Windhorse Publications’ latest release, I Hear Her Words: An Introduction to Women in Buddhism, Buddhism was born and developed within ancient...