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Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Job Opportunity: Development and FutureDharma Team Financial Officer / Bookkeeper

By Nandavajra on Sun, 23 Jul, 2017 - 15:36

Job Opportunity: Development and FutureDharma Team Financial Officer / Bookkeeper

The European Triratna Development and FutureDharma team is looking for a well organised and self-motivated part-time (up to the equivalent of 2 days a week) Finance Officer / Bookkeeper to cover the bookkeeping and financial management needs of the European Triratna Chairs Assembly Charity and the new FutureDharma Fund Charity. This is an opportunity to join a very effective and respected team that serves the development of the Triratna Buddhist Community in...

File NameSize
Finance Officer job description330.39 KB
Finance Officer application form12 KB