Job Opportunity: Development and FutureDharma Team Financial Officer / Bookkeeper
The European Triratna Development and FutureDharma team is looking for a well organised and self-motivated part-time (up to the equivalent of 2 days a week) Finance Officer / Bookkeeper to cover the bookkeeping and financial management needs of the European Triratna Chairs Assembly Charity and the new FutureDharma Fund Charity. This is an opportunity to join a very effective and respected team that serves the development of the Triratna Buddhist Community in Europe and internationally. The current members of the team are Nandavajra, Mokshini, Viryanaga, Amalavajra, Munisha, Prajnaketu, Utpalavajri and Liz.
Responsibilities will include administering bank accounts, PAYE and expenses for the Team, reclaiming gift aid, administering online Just Giving fundraising and paypal, some aspects of donor care, preparing end of year accounts and budgets and researching and developing financial guidance for Triratna Charities.
The post would be managed through the Development Team and the Team Director and in consultation with the Chairs Executive and FutureDharma Fund trustees.
Candidates will:
- Have bookkeeping and finance management qualifications and / or experience, or be willing to train as required
- Be numerate and be able to use bookkeeping software and spreadsheets
- Regard this as a longer term appointment (ideally 5 years or more) – stability is required for this post
- Be willing and able to work alone and under their own initiative
- Be able to travel to meetings as required
- Be a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order or someone training for ordination within the Triratna Buddhist Order. Experience of the Triratna Community is essential
Support is needs-based and will be negotiated with you and guided by the Development Team support ethos and budget limits. A retreat allowance of up to 8 weeks a year is included.
The closing date is 1st September 2017 .A job description and application form are attached. For more information, please contact Nandavajra at or 07583 107258
There is the possibility of combining this post with a vacancy for finance officer for the Order Office. Please contact