Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Life is a Search for Refuge

By Zac on Thu, 14 Apr, 2022 - 06:00

Padmasagara explores the profundity of the Buddha’s statement that spiritual friendship is ‘the whole of the spiritual life’ or, in other words, the whole of the Going for Refuge. 

From the talk The Mystery of Spiritual Friendship, part of the series Of the Mysteries of Spiritual Friendship and the Three Tantric Refuges given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 2022.


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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: The Bodhisattvas Are Necessary

By Zac on Mon, 11 Apr, 2022 - 06:00

Aryajaya explores Sangharakshita’s relationship to his teachers, who form the lineage for the Triratna Buddhist Order. A lovely exploration of the experience of relationship to the Bodhisattvas of Buddhist tradition via meditations passed from teacher to disciple, evoking a wide open sense of connection to the great beauty they represent.

Excerpted from the talk Sangharakshita’s First Connection with His Teachers and Receiving Practices given at the Triratna International Council meeting, 2019.

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Beauty As A Gateway To Wisdom

By Zac on Sat, 9 Apr, 2022 - 06:00

This is a talk on creativity as a way of life, especially when that life is in flux and the ground of our being is shifting. Through her own poetry and reflections on writing and art, Srivati evokes an aesthetic path into the very heart of Reality.

Talk given at Taraloka Retreat Centre, Great Gathering 2000.


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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Something Essential in Going Forth

By Zac on Thu, 7 Apr, 2022 - 06:00

Saddhaloka explores the key aspects of any practitioner’s commitment, Going Forth and Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels, evoking how Sangharakshita engaged with these formative acts as foundations of his own practice in India at the end of the Second World War.

Excerpted from the talk Going Forth And Going For Refuge given at the Triratna International Council meeting, 2019.


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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: The Relational Quality of Sadhana

By Zac on Mon, 4 Apr, 2022 - 06:00

Bhante has said that his sadhana practices and the teachers who gave him the practices are ‘inseparable’. Dayanandi tells some of the stories of how Bhante Sangharakshira received each of his sadhanas.

Excerpted from the talk entitled Bhante, His Teachers and Sadhanas given on the Women’s Private Preceptors’ Retreat at Adhisthana, February 2019, as part of the series Talks from Women’s Private Preceptors’ Retreat, February 2019.


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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Mythic Dress-Up Sangha Time!

By Centre Team on Mon, 4 Apr, 2022 - 00:39

Mythic Dress-Up Sangha Time!

By Centre Team on Mon, 4 Apr, 2022 - 00:39

One big community of the heart and imagination

Saturday April 16 (northern hemisphere)
Sunday April 17 (southern hemisphere)

2 hrs: USA PST 11:00 | México 13:00 | USA EST 14:00 | IE & UK 19:00 | Europe CET 20:00 | India 23:30 | Australia AEDT 04.00 (next day) | New Zealand NZDT 06.00 (next day)

Find out more and join us for a new kind of Dharma event for 2022


About the event

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Taking Our Seat in the Cremation Ground

By Zac on Thu, 31 Mar, 2022 - 06:00

To plunge ourselves into the crucial citation takes tremendous courage. Sangharakshita asks:

Are we ready to face our own death, and the total transformation it symbolizes? From the talk The Symbolism of the Cremation Ground and the Celestial Maidens part of the series Creative Symbols of the Tantric Path to Enlightenment, 1971.


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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Meditation Lab! With Yashobodhi

By Centre Team on Mon, 28 Mar, 2022 - 11:49

Meditation Lab! With Yashobodhi

By Centre Team on Mon, 28 Mar, 2022 - 11:49

1/8/15/22 May

1st session: 2 hours
USA PST 01:00 | Mexico 03:00 | USA EST 04:00 | IE & UK 09.00 | Europe 10:00 CET | India 13:30 | Australia AEDT 18:00 | New Zealand NZDT 20:00

2nd session: 2 hours
USA PST 12:00 | Mexico 14:00 | USA EST 15:00 | IE & UK 20.00 | Europe 21:00 CET | India 00:30 |...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Radical Transformation is Possible

By Zac on Mon, 28 Mar, 2022 - 06:00

Radical transformation is possible if we allow Padmasambhava and all that he symbolizes to touch our lives.  Ratnaghosha encourages us to face our demons, find our cremation grounds, and free up our energies.

From the talk Demons For Every Occasion given at the Padmasambhava Day festival at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, 2013.

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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Padmasambhava and the King of Tibet

By Zac on Sat, 26 Mar, 2022 - 06:00

Vajratara offers a provocative, fully engaged and fully engaging take on the Dharma and the challenges that face us on the Path. We approach the great figure of Padmasambhava - the ‘Second Buddha’ - through his famous meeting with the King of Tibet. There’s plenty to consider in this thoughtful interpretation of the central story - with lots of light relief too, as the Refuges are explored with walk-ons from Nirvana (the band!), Samuel Johnson,...
