Bump elbows, say hello!
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Countdown to #buddhaday - 10 days to go...

By akasajoti on Wed, 29 Apr, 2020 - 11:35

Countdown to #buddhaday - 10 days to go...

By akasajoti on Wed, 29 Apr, 2020 - 11:35

Countdown to #buddhaday!

“A thousand brilliant hues arise,⠀
More lovely than the evening skies,⠀
And pictures paint before our eyes…”

During this day of recollection and celebration of the many beautiful qualities of Enlightenment, Saddhanandi and Saddhaloka will offer a special Buddha Day Q&A live-streamed from Adhisthana.

🎧 “The Poetry Interviews – Saddhanandi + Sangharakshita” 

thebuddhistcentre.com/buddha-day for the full programme and to connect⠀ 


Adhisthana in lockdown: Saddhanandi and Caroline in conversation

By Maitriyogini on Tue, 28 Apr, 2020 - 15:35

Adhisthana in lockdown: Saddhanandi and Caroline in conversation

By Maitriyogini on Tue, 28 Apr, 2020 - 15:35

A playlist of three videos from the start of the lockdown at Adhisthana. Saddhanandi and Caroline discuss generosity and practicing in the lockdown.


For the Happiness and Welfare of Many

By Maitriyogini on Mon, 27 Apr, 2020 - 11:46

For the Happiness and Welfare of Many

By Maitriyogini on Mon, 27 Apr, 2020 - 11:46

In his second talk in the series counting down to Buddha Day, Saddhaloka shares the stories of just after the Buddha’s enlightenment. This talks covers the buddha’s first teachings, and the compassion that moved him and his followers to teach.


Livestream Puja tonight 7.15pm BST

By Maitriyogini on Sat, 25 Apr, 2020 - 16:53

Livestream Puja tonight 7.15pm BST

By Maitriyogini on Sat, 25 Apr, 2020 - 16:53

Please join our fourth Facebook live-streamed Puja for Bhante, led by Saddhanandi with the Adhisthana community:


We will be chanting the five mantras Bhante asked us to do at his death.

Join in and participate at home (put your laptop/tablet/phone on your shrine and meditate, chant and make offerings with us!). Thanks to everyone who took part last week. We really enjoy doing puja with you all.


Becoming a Buddha - Saddhaloka

By Maitriyogini on Sat, 25 Apr, 2020 - 14:16

Becoming a Buddha - Saddhaloka

By Maitriyogini on Sat, 25 Apr, 2020 - 14:16

In the countdown to International Buddha Day, Saddhaloka is giving a series of ten short talks on the life of the Buddha. Poetic and inspiring, this series is not to be missed!

North London Buddhist Centre
North London Buddhist Centre

Slideshows now on YouTube live. Taming the Bull, Saturday

By Ratnaprabha on Thu, 23 Apr, 2020 - 11:10

Slideshows now on YouTube live. Taming the Bull, Saturday

By Ratnaprabha on Thu, 23 Apr, 2020 - 11:10

Imagine a Buddha…

Weekly Slideshows by Ratnaprabha on images and symbols in Buddhism.

Now on YouTube Live as well as on Zoom. See last week’s slideshow (Buddhist Symbols) on our new NLBC YouTube channel.  Do subscribe. 

11:30 am on Saturdays (except 9 May, see below) after the 10:30 meditation.
Zoom login each week here except 10 May, Buddha Day, 14:00.  

Sat 25 April    Taming The Bull: a Zen path – Watch on YouTube Live here from...

Padmaloka Retreat Centre
Padmaloka Retreat Centre

Going For Refuge: The basis of Everything

By Satyakirti on Sun, 19 Apr, 2020 - 15:53

Going For Refuge: The basis of Everything

By Satyakirti on Sun, 19 Apr, 2020 - 15:53

This talk by Padmavajra is offered especially to men who have asked for ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order. It was given in the shrine room on Monday April 13th 2020.

In this talk Padmavajra addresses how men can continue their ordination training during this time of lockdown, when it is not possible to attend retreats at Padmaloka. He draws particular attention to the Buddha’s vision of existence and his longing for escape. He also explores the existential act of Going for...

Bump elbows, say hello!
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Nature Reflections from Taraloka

By akasajoti on Mon, 13 Apr, 2020 - 22:11

Nature Reflections from Taraloka

By akasajoti on Mon, 13 Apr, 2020 - 22:11

Steeped in her love of both the natural world and the Dharma, Maitridevi is offering us her ‘nature-thought-for-the-day’ reflections and short meditations every day this week, connecting us with some of the burgeoning spring-time life at Taraloka. She’s calling them ‘a naturalist-Dharma melange’!

You can find them over on Taraloka’s YouTube channel, along with a series of videos of Hridayagita teaching Tai Chi Shibashi, to support you to remain grounded, embodied, and sensitive to the beauty...

Bump elbows, say hello!
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Personal Reflections from the Week - Sailing the Worldly Winds Home Retreat

By kusaladevi on Fri, 10 Apr, 2020 - 19:21

Personal Reflections from the Week - Sailing the Worldly Winds Home Retreat

By kusaladevi on Fri, 10 Apr, 2020 - 19:21

It’s been quite a busy week for me - I started two new jobs in the last three weeks and have had various deadlines this week. But despite that, I have still enjoyed and benefited greatly from the Home Retreat. Thinking about Vajragupta’s reflections has given me a very particular focus to my Dharma practice this week, and helped me...

Bump elbows, say hello!
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Truthfulness As a Teacher - Sailing the Worldly Winds Home Retreat, Day Two

By kusaladevi on Sat, 4 Apr, 2020 - 14:00

Truthfulness As a Teacher - Sailing the Worldly Winds Home Retreat, Day Two

By kusaladevi on Sat, 4 Apr, 2020 - 14:00

Truthfulness has always been very important to me. It’s something which I valued long before I came across the Dharma. So I was quite struck when Vajragupta suggested the opportunity to practice truthfulness when the winds of Praise and Blame are blowing. Praise and Blame are the Worldly winds I notice most in my experience, or perhaps the ones I am blown about by most strongly.

So I started to reflect on this - how might truthfulness help me when...
